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Pokémon Home to launch next month
Pokémon Home will provide a way to interface between the Pokémon games on Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS, with the ability to trade Pokémon.
Nintendo has announced more details for the new cloud service app Pokémon Home. The app enables Trainers to continue their Pokémon adventures beyond a single game system and manage their collection of Pokémon across different games. Pokémon Home will launch in February 2020 for iOS and Android devices as well as Nintendo Switch.
Designed as a place where all Pokémon can gather, the game will enable Trainers to bring over Pokémon from linked Pokémon series games and deposit them in Pokémon Boxes in the cloud or move them around to linked compatible games. Also, by linking the same Nintendo Account to both the Nintendo Switch version and the mobile device version, players will be able to access the same Pokémon Boxes from both hardware platforms.
The Nintendo Switch version of Pokémon Home supports connectivity with the Nintendo Switch games Pokémon Sword, Pokémon Shield, Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!, and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Both the Nintendo Switch version and the mobile device version of Pokémon Home support connectivity with the Nintendo 3DS software Pokémon Bank. Support for Pokémon GO is also in development.
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield can link to the Nintendo Switch version of Pokémon Home. Once the games are linked, users can deposit or retrieve Pokémon that can be obtained using those games.
Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee can link to the Nintendo Switch version of Pokémon HOME. Users can move Pokémon back and forth between Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee or into Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. Once a Pokémon from Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! is moved to Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield, it cannot be returned to its original game.
If a user is enrolled in a Premium Plan (paid), they will be able to move Pokémon from Nintendo 3DS Pokémon titles to Pokémon Home using Pokémon Bank. Once a Pokémon from Pokémon Bank is moved into Pokémon Home, it cannot be moved back to Pokémon Bank.
There are four ways to trade Pokémon using Pokémon HOME on a mobile device. This makes it possible to trade Pokémon anywhere and anytime.
Pokémon placed in the Wonder Box can be traded with people around the world. Pokémon placed in the Wonder Box will be traded even when Pokémon Home is not being used.
With the Global Trade System (GTS), fans can specify which Pokémon they want to trade and which Pokémon they want to receive. They will then be matched with a Trainer if both meet each other’s criteria.
Room Trade lets Trainers create a room and trade Pokémon among the people who join. Each room can hold up to 20 people. Trading in rooms has no cost, but users will only be able to create rooms when enrolled in a Premium Plan (paid).
Friend Trade allows Trainers to trade their Pokémon with nearby users who they have become friends with in Pokémon HOME. Trainers can add friends using the Add Friend feature in Pokémon HOME.
For more information about Pokémon HOME, please visit