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‘Hearthstone’ unpacks new tourist expansion

‘Perils in Paradise’ introduces 145 holiday-themed cards, with 11 minions enabling dual-class deck building.

Hearthstone, a hugely popular digital card game, is releasing a new expansion titled Perils in Paradise today (23 July 2024). Featured among the 145 new holiday-themed cards are minions that enable dual-class decks to be built.

The new Tourist keyword is found on eleven featured Legendary cards, each belonging to a different class. They enable players to include cards from another class in their deck, except for the destination class’s Tourist card. For example, the Hunter class Legendary card, Ranger Gilly, is a Warrior Tourist. This means that one can include Perils in Paradise Warrior cards in a Hunter deck. Tourists have powerful additional effects. In Gilly’s case, he adds a 2/3 minion to one’s hand, and when destroyed grants all minions in one’s hand extra stats (+2/+3).

Nestled in the beautiful Spiral Isles is The Marin, Azeroth’s newest vacation getaway in which this expansion is set. It introduces six different drink spells that come with two refills, meaning that the card can be played three times over.

The free Rewards Track will include packs from the expansion, a random Epic card, two random Legendary cards, Tavern Tickets, a new card back, and gold. There are fourteen golden cards, along with a new Legendary called Gorgonzormu. Upon finishing the Reward Track, one can choose a new Hero Skin.

A premium version of the Track is also available. Purchasing it will give players a 10% experience boost for the duration of the expansion, plus all items up to their current level on the paid track. Other rewards include additional experience boosts, the A.F. Kay Diamond Legendary card, Golden Legendary cards, and Signature cards, as well as a cosmetic coin and card back. A new vacation-themed Hero Skin for each class and two Golden Standard Packs are also earnable.

Hearthstone is free-to-play and is available on PC, Mac, iPad, and iOS and Android.

* Visit the website here.

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