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Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition
The 2009 first-person shooter/role-playing game is remastered in Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition to include additional content and big visual enhancements.
Click here to watch the trailer, and to read about the game.
With brand new weapons, substantial visual upgrades, numerous quality of life improvements, and all four content add-on packs, this updated edition breathes new life into the legendary co-op shooter-looter.
Players who already own the original Borderlands on Steam will be able to upgrade to Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition for free. The game is also available digitally and on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, marking the first time the original Borderlands has become readily available on current generation consoles.
Players will be able to import their existing Borderlands Vault Hunters into Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition, provided they’re transferring saves within the same console family (e.g. Xbox 360 to Xbox One, PS3 to PS4).
Though Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition is out now, The Year of Borderlands is just beginning! Check out today’s official Borderlands 3 announcement and tune in the Borderlands 3 Hands-On Livestream Event on May 1, both available on!