All posts tagged "featured"
Passwords boomed in lockdown
22 October 2020The average Internet user today has around 100 passwords, up 25% from before lockdown. according to research by...
Abundant connectivity is possible
22 October 2020By SHANE CHORLEY, head of sales and marketing at Frogfoot Networks
Lego’s secret of success hides in the detail
21 October 2020Lego has given the world a dive into the secrets behind the construction sets that have...
The Lego Technic Forest Machine : Creating something from nothing
21 October 2020Lego has always been designed to challenge a child’s imagination. Thousands of kits are available, each...
Microsoft launches into space
21 October 2020Microsoft has taken its next giant leap in cloud computing – taking its Azure data centre business...
Zapper drives into parking
20 October 2020Zapper has completed its integration with three of the largest parking management systems, reducing the need...
Boost for SMEs from Google, Mastercard, Standard Bank
20 October 2020Standard Bank, Mastercard and Google have announced a collaboration to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) move their...
ID fraud: worst to come
20 October 2020It has been reported that over R1 billion has been claimed from TERS (Temporary Employee/Employer Relief Scheme)...
US and SA ecommerce accelerates by 2 years
19 October 2020Online retail in the USA this year is expected to reach a level only expected by...
How to stay connected out in the sticks
19 October 2020Homeowners and small businesses in remote areas may be forgiven for being confused about knowing what...
SA government must look to hybrid cloud
19 October 2020By MOHAMMED AMIN, senior VP of Dell Technologies MERAT (Middle East, Russia, Africa and Turkey).
By itself, 3D printer not enough for education
18 October 2020A global research survey among education professionals shows that almost two-thirds are using 3D printing to...
IBM to ‘accelerate materials discovery’ in 5 areas
18 October 2020IBM has unveiled its annual “5 in 5” predictions about five significant changes driven by innovation in...
Tiny robots go surfing
18 October 2020Spend an afternoon by a creek in the woods, and you’re likely to notice water striders...
How streaming music services exploit artists
17 October 2020Despite music streaming services now being the largest source of revenue for recorded music, most artists struggle to...
Scientists call for AI transparency
17 October 2020International scientists are challenging their colleagues to make Artificial Intelligence (AI) research more transparent and reproducible...
Xbox stocks up for SA
17 October 2020After the sell-out of the first allocation of Xbox Series S and X stock for launch...
Robots recognise ‘pain’ – and will self-repair
16 October 2020Singapore scientists have developed mini-brains that help robots recognise damage and repair themselves
Most tech innovations fail before launch
16 October 2020Nine out of ten heads of innovation in enterprises in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) admit...
Now pay-as-you-plough
16 October 2020Insurer King Price is piloting a “pay-as-you-farm” agricultural insurance product that bases farmers’ premiums on the...