IT redefines value chain for SA business
15 June 2018South African businesses are being forced to redefine value chains as a result of the growth...
Energy sector wrestles with youth
3 August 2017As the older generation of trained energy specialists approach retirement age, firms must look at attracting...
Tame the cost of paper
21 September 2016Organisations like insurers, healthcare companies and government agencies still depend on paper forms and documents for...
‘Video cockpit’ to boost Germany in FIFA World Cup
16 June 2018SAP has introduced technology innovations to the SAP Sports One solution to help the German national...
In customer experience, management needs measurement
20 September 2016For business decision makers to have access to relevant data and then use it to inform...
Data science interns tackle Cape Town water crisis
15 June 2018Cape Town's Day Zero for running out of water may have been postponed for 2018, but...
How Instant EFT can boost SA ecommerce
20 September 2016Many businesses owners moving into e-commerce focus on choosing the best platform, design and even delivery method,...
Two-thirds of working SA on the hunt for jobs
29 April 2011According to a recent survey carried out by Careers24 on Facebook, 68 percent of employed South...
GDPR: Catalyst for change
14 June 2018What makes your business tick? Changes to sales volumes, the latest gadgets, or the information customers...
Data can fight drug resistance
14 June 2018Flu season is once again here and many South Africans will be turning to their trusted...
Analytics minus data
31 July 2017The use of analytics is critical in mapping consumer behaviours, but there is a key underlying...
Now prepare for the 5th Industrial Revolution
4 June 2018With technology advancing at an exponential rate, we stand on the brink of the Fifth Industrial...
Why payrolls must go digital
15 September 2016Transforming HR and payroll with specialist solutions is not just about doing away with the laborious...
Managed services key to growth
14 June 2018The tide is turning in South Africa. In the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s new April World...
Choose your backup strategy carefully
21 April 2011Performing backups is no longer an exercise reserved for big businesses. It is something that companies...
How the Internet drove Arab revolution
25 March 2011Egyptian opposition news sites with a normally low market penetration experienced a surge during the demonstrations...
Spectrum is red herring in WOAN debate
6 June 2018MD of Internet Solutions, SAKI MISSAIKOS, explores the local telecommunications industry and highlights lobbying efforts, challenges...
Robot surgery fights cancer
1 June 2018Robotic surgery provides better results than conventional procedures in the removal of cancerous prostate glands, new...
How blockchain can reinvent asset management
28 July 2017Blockchain is one of the most discussed topics at the moment. It is designed to be...
Is email hurting your business?
2 August 2017Email is the core of business communication. It is therefore critical for SMEs to make informed...