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‘Granblue Fantasy’

The action roleplaying game’s update to ‘Relink’ features new playable characters, and challenging quests.

Granblue Fantasy: Relink features mysterious powers, colourful crewmates, and enigmatic beasts. In the new free update to the action roleplaying game (RPG), two new characters, and two new quests are available, among other content.

The new playable characters are Seofon and Tweyen. These two characters require special crewmate cards, which can be traded for at the Knickknack Shack.

Treasure required for the cards is obtained from the following two new challenging quests:

  • “Gulp… So These Are the Rumored Monsters”, which becomes available by unlocking extreme-difficulty quests.
  • “Lock Horns”, which requires players to clear “The Tale of Bahamut’s Rage” quest.

Sigils with new traits have been added. They will appear in the Knickknack Shack after clearing the new quests. Up to 30 sigil transmutations can now be simultaneously executed at one time. New trophies have also been added.

In Granblue Fantasy: Relink, players engage in real-time combat with a party of up to four characters. It is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Steam. The RPG offers a singleplayer experience, and cooperative online multiplayer.

Until 7 May, players who already own the Steam version of Granblue Fantasy: Relink (Relink) can buy Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising (GBVSR) at15% off. Likewise, players who own GBVSR can save 15% when purchasing Relink during the same period. Various discounted bundles of both games are also available for purchase.

* Visit the ‘Granblue Fantasy: Relink’ website here.

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