AppDate: Kaspersky teaches kids digital ethics
In the latest AppDate, SEAN BACHER shines the spotlight on Kaspersky Skill Cup, Ukheshe’s expansion into the Asia-Pacific region, Fomo food, Ayoba messaging and the Dulux Visualizer.
Kaspersky Skill Cup
A free training course, based on the Skill Cup mobile app and developed with the Kaspersky Security Awareness platform team, is available to help parents and their kids better navigate cybersecurity and digital ethics.
The app is designed to cover key issues and challenges that children may face while using their devices and surfing the Internet.
According to a variety of surveys, the majority of children already use some kind of device by the age of 11-12. However, for the digital world to remain a safe space for kids, cybersecurity and digital ethics skills need to be fostered from childhood.
The program is based on the Skill Cup mobile app and consists of a series of interactive lessons organised into several topical units. These are presented in a variety of formats, including articles, videos, quizzes, and infographics.
Platform: Android and iOS
Expect to pay: A free download.
Stockists: Visit the Skill Cup website here for more information on the app and downloading instructions.
Go to the next page to read about Ukheshe’s Asia-Pacific expansion, an app to find food around you quickly, and an app to paint walls virtually.