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Nintendo Switch software update enables Bluetooth audio

With the version 13 update for the Nintendo Switch, users can pair Bluetooth earphones, headphones, and speakers to the console — with a few caveats.

Nintendo has released version 13 of the Switch System Software, which includes a major update to enable pairing Bluetooth audio devices to the console. That means devices like wireless speakers, soundbars, earphones, headphones, and even car stereos can output the audio from Switch consoles if they’re paired to it.

To find this feature, update the Switch console to the latest system software version by going to System Settings, scroll to the System tab, and select System Update. If the current version is 13.0.0, one can use the Bluetooth audio feature. If it’s lower than that, perform a system update.


To connect Bluetooth audio devices, head to the Bluetooth Audio tab in System Settings, and select Add Device. Put your Bluetooth audio device into pairing mode to make it discoverable by the Switch. Once it is discovered by the Switch, select it to pair it and you’re good to go. If you experience some lag, restarting the console may fix the issue.

There are a few caveats to pairing an audio device via Bluetooth:

  • Only one Bluetooth audio device can be connected at a time, but up to 10 devices can be saved to a console.
  • Bluetooth microphones cannot be used. Sorry Fortnite Squad players.
  • Users may experience audio latency depending on their Bluetooth device. This is especially true for older Bluetooth devices that aren’t equipped for low latency support.
  • Up to two wireless controllers can be connected to a Switch console while using Bluetooth audio. Each Joy-con counts as a device, so only one pair of Joy-cons can be used at a time.
  • Bluetooth audio will be disconnected during local communication, such as when starting a local wireless multiplayer game.

For more information on Bluetooth audio on the Nintendo Switch, click here.

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