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Elton John gets Twitter emoji
Sir Elton John has become one of the first book authors to receive a Twitter emoji to run alongside his book’s hashtag, #EltonJohnBook
The autobiography by Sir Elton John, titled Me, has just been released, accompanied by a Twitter hashtag that shows an emoji. The emoji was designed by Ben O’Brien.
“My life has been one helluva roller coaster ride and I’m now ready to tell you my story, in my own words,” the singer tweeted earlier this year.

The autobiography was co-authored with Alexis Petridis, a legendary music critic for the UK Guardian. It deals with his hard childhood, struggles with addiction, and road to recovery and self-acceptance with being gay. It outlines parts of his life where he had back-to-back losses of two close friends, Gianni Versace and Princess Diana, and how the success of Candle In The Wind made him uncomfortable.

The emoji can be activated by typing #EltonJohnBook. It also works with other unofficial hash tags, like #EltonBook, #EltonJohn, and #EltonJohnMe
It will run globally until 26 December.