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Cars on the road streaming on Disney+

Disney and Pixar’s original series Cars on the road features new soundtracks and extended clips

Disney+ Original series follows Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) and his best friend Mater (voice of Larry the Cable Guy) as they head east from Radiator Springs on a cross-country road trip to meet up with Mater’s sister. It premiered on Disney+ on 8 September.

Premiering on Disney+ Day, “Marc Sondheimer produces cars on the Road”. The series’ episodes are directed by Steve Purcell (Eps 1, 2, 8), Bobby Podesta (Eps 5, 6, 9) and Brian Fee (Eps 3, 4, 7). Composer Jake Monaco created the score for all nine episodes, which is featured on the “Cars on the Road” soundtrack from Walt Disney Records. 

The soundtrack, which is available, features the musical talents of 79 musicians and 17 singers, and showcases moments from the series, including the full version of the theme song “Trucks” and “Brain on Wheels.”

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