Completing transactions telephonically has always been difficult due to the high risk of fraud and the potential for dispute around terms and conditions.
The VerPay service allows merchants to make a sale while speaking to a customer. The merchant informs the customer of the amount owing over the phone, and the customer then enters it into the VerPay mobile web app. This generates a shortcode on their screen, which the customer reads to the merchant, allowing the merchant to verify the relevant transaction details. The customer reviews and accepts the T&Cs assigned by the merchant, before selecting a payment method to complete the transaction. Both parties are notified once payment is processed.
“We wanted to introduce a secure solution that facilitates over-the-phone payment for orders, deliveries, reservations, deposits, call-out fees, debt collection and more,” says Dana Buys, CEO of VerPay.
Customers do not share their confidential payment details with the merchant, instead, they make use of VerPay to complete the telephonic transaction, using payment methods like Stripe, MasterPass, NetCash, Snapscan and Zapper.
Platform: Android and iOS
Expect to pay: A free service
Stockists: Visit VerPay here to sign up.
Go to the next page to read about FlySafair’s new mobile app, MTN and Mastercard’s virtual payments, an app to calculate your carbon footprint, and King Price’s Code Red emergency app.
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