Xbox LIVE now in SA
Xbox’s premier online gaming destination expands to new territories across Africa, South America and Europe
Microsoft today announced its commitment to launching Xbox LIVE in nine new countries ‚ Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Russia and South Africa ‚ delivering the core gaming and entertainment features that have made Xbox LIVE the world’s premier online gaming destination.
‚Xbox LIVE is about building communities and connecting people to each other and to great content. This expansion is another step toward our vision for LIVE ‚ to deliver the entertainment you want, shared with the people you care about, wherever you are in the world,‚ said Marc Whitten, General Manager, Xbox LIVE.
The service will be available this summer and will focus first on delivering the core gaming and community features that have made Xbox LIVE the world’s premier online gaming destination, including matchmaking, friends list, Achievements, Gamerscore, a tailored Games Marketplace and more.
‚This is an exciting step forward in the experience we can deliver to our loyal and committed Xbox communities,‚ states Yvette van Rooyen, Product and Marketing Manager, Xbox 360 South Africa. ‚Xbox fans in South Africa will now be able play the best games in the industry with the 23 million other Xbox LIVE users across the world who have made this their online gaming destination of choice. ‚