Fun Software
Monster Hunter 3 attacks SA shelves
Capcom’s Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will launch for both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in South Africa this Friday.
Enjoy a hunting experience with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, whether playing on Wii U or Nintendo 3DS, with a game that utilises the unique functionalities of both consoles. Explore the unique and stunning world with the Wii U console’s HD graphics or enjoy 3D visuals on Nintendo 3DS. Fans who own both consoles, as well as a copy of the game for each system, can use the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Data Transfer Program to transfer their progress from one console to the other and vice versa for a seamless experience between hunting on the go and in front of the TV. This application will be available from 22nd March as a free download on Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS. Whether you want a solo expedition or join together in a hunting party of up to four players, both versions have you covered. Play online on your Wii U chatting to other members of your hunting party using the built-in Wii U GamePad microphone – or in local multiplayer on Nintendo 3DS via a local wireless connection. Alternatively, download the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Packet Relay Tools for Nintendo 3DS application for free from the Nintendo eShop on Wii U in order to play the game online on your Nintendo 3DS, via a Wii U console connected to the Internet. Players will also be able to enjoy local multiplayer sessions with up to three Nintendo 3DS systems wirelessly connected to a Wii U console, with each player requiring one system as well as a copy of the game. For several months after release Capcom will continue to support Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate with additional free of charge downloadable content for both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. The first weeks’ worth of DLC includes the ‚’Streaking with Bullfangos’ quest, Scholar, Graduate and Elder titles for players’ profiles and two additional Guild Card backgrounds, including a Lagiacrus motif. A software update for the game on Wii U can be downloaded and installed at launch, enabling features such as voice chat, improved camera controls and the use of USB keyboards for text chat. In addition to this, a second software update is planned for April, as a response to Capcom community feedback. This update will add online cross-region functionality, allowing fans to play together online in up to four-player battles. The update will also add off-TV play functionality, enabling people to play the game using just the Wii U GamePad without the need for a TV screen. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate launches in South Africa on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS this Friday, 22nd March 2013, available from selected retailers for RRP R599, Wii U version: and RRP R499 for 3DS.