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Extreme fast-charging becomes mainstream
EV demand

With limited access to home or workplace charging, demand for ‘XFC’ will be driven by expectations for shorter charging times and improved experience.

Extreme fast-charging, known as XFC technology, is becoming a mainstream feature required by all electric vehicle (EV) drivers, after initially entering the market as a premium offering in high-end EVs.

This is the view of StoreDot, a world leader in XFC silicon battery technology for EVs.

StoreDot’s vision aligns with growing consumer expectations for shorter charging times and longer range, which will drive XFC to become a necessary industry standard, the company says. As the EV market evolves, it sees XFC technology following the path of other innovative automotive features, starting as a premium offering before becoming ubiquitous.

The concept of extreme fast charging is already enhancing the appeal and marketability of EVs with drivers expecting it in their vehicles and opting for XFC-compatible models, giving premium automotive brands a competitive edge. However, as more drivers experience its convenience, it’s expected to become a key factor in purchasing decisions across all EV segments.

Other predictions about XFC made by StoreDot are that:

  • it will make the EV option much more appealing to drivers that don’t have access to home or workplace charging;
  • it will allow OEMs to offer EVs with smaller battery packs, empowering them to offer vehicles with a more attractive price tag and a lighter weight;
  • fast charging infrastructure utilisation and return on investment is expected to increase as EV adoption with XFC capabilities is widely adopted. 

“XFC will become mainstream as it meets drivers’ expectations for shorter charging times and a longer range,” says Dr Doron Myersdorf, CEO of StoreDot. “But it doesn’t stop with the driver; it’ll benefit the entire ecosystem. It will make EVs more desirable, and some OEMs will offer it as a customisable feature like an extended range premium option. 

“This desirability is crucial for OEMs, especially when facing EV demand fluctuations and addressing consumer concerns about infrastructure and charging times. Importantly, our XFC technology doesn’t compromise battery life or performance and as consumers realise this, XFC adoption will accelerate. 

“We continue to work closely with leading brands on delivering fast adoption and a shorter time to market for our XFC technology and are excited about it entering the mass market.”

StoreDot’s ‘100in5’ XFC battery technology, using silicon-dominant anodes, can maintain high energy densities comparable to conventional lithium-ion batteries, while also enabling ultra-fast charging rates and long cycle life.

As XFC technology matures, StoreDot says, it is preparing to meet future demand across the entire EV market. The company remains on track with production-readiness this year of its XFC cells that deliver 100 miles (160km) charged in 5 minutes. It aims to deliver 100 miles charged in 4 minutes in 2026 and 100 miles charged in 3 minutes by 2028.

Earlier this year it demonstrated that its XFC battery technology could charge a Polestar 5 prototype EV in just 10 minutes.

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