Serious Software
Pastel Accounting Version 6
Pastel’s newest edition to its range of e-commerce enabled accounting software is the Pastel Accounting Version 6. After the success of its predecessors, STEVEN CHIABERTA took this product for a spin to see if Pastel still has the pedal to the metal.
It is as ready to use as any other Pastel accounting product. Installation takes a while, then you are ready to roll.
That depends on a) whether you know other Pastel accounting products or not and b) if you know at least a tiny bit about accounting. If you answered yes to both of the above, it will be a breeze. If not, you will struggle, and probably for many an hour.
Without a doubt. By itself it is a quality product and with the optional modules, there is very little that you can’t do with it.
In terms of accounting products, the optional module idea is great. I think it will save time and money for SME’s. As for the rest of its features, while it has many of them, none are not particularly ground-breaking
At a recommended retail price of R3 900 for the base module, this product is a fair deal. The additional modules range widely in price from R837 to R2 223. Generally, these are reasonable, when considering that you pay only for what you need.
Visit for links to information on this and other Pastel products available worldwide. Pastel Accounting Version 6 is available from Incredible Connection stores countrywide. Tel: (011) 788-4715
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