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MWEB Business has expanded its Cloud-based range of business software solutions with the launch of SAP Business One OnDemand, giving small and medium-sized businesses access to business tools that will boost their productivity.

According to Hennie van Tonder, head of Product at MWEB Business, most smaller businesses run their operations using standalone accounting and other management systems or even manual processes. This can be slow and inefficient.

Think how time-consuming it can be to check if a supplier’s invoice matches your purchase order: or how long it can take – because of the number of documents you need to find and systems you need to locate – simply to check the status of a customer’s order. And because your various systems don’t ‚Äòtalk’ to each other, how many times do you constantly have to re-enter the same data into multiple systems? This is not only a waste of time, it’s also prone to error,” he says.

Meanwhile your larger, more cash-flush competitors have implemented fully integrated business management ERP software that gives them instant access to the critical, up-to-date business information they need to confidently make informed business decisions.

With SAP Business One OnDemand, smaller businesses can have this ability too, thanks to internet-based access to the proven, powerful business management software.

The solution allows businesses to integrate and streamline their key processes – from sales and customer relationships to financials and operations – without the cost or complexity of an on-site ERP deployment.

Because SAP Business One OnDemand is managed and hosted by MWEB Business in its secure, state-of-the-art data centres, sensitive business data is fully protected. In addition, there’s no need to hire experienced IT staff to manage and support the software or its underlying IT infrastructure.

You can get up and running quickly, for a predictable user fee that covers software, service and support,” van Tonder says.

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