People 'n' Issues
MWC: Botswana, Zim, win mobile awards
Botswana and Zimbabwe featured among the awards as the GSMA this week announced the winners of the 19th Annual Global Mobile awards, held at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
“Now in the 19th year, the Global Mobile Awards once again showcase the outstanding level of innovation and creative products and services being developed across a diverse and growing industry,”” said John Hoffman, CEO, GSMA Ltd. “”With more than 680 high calibre entries this year, the competition was stronger than ever and it is a significant achievement to have been honoured today. The GSMA would like to warmly congratulate all Global Mobile Awards winners and recognise all those who took part for continuing to drive mobile communications into the future.””
The Best Mobile Health Product or Service prize went to “”Energize the Chain””, an Econet Wireless vaccine project in Zimbabwe. The Government Leadership Award went to the Government of Botswana.
HTC, Nokia and LG were among the winners for best devices across a range of phone and tablet categories.
The full list of winners were:
Best Mobile Health Product or Service Energize the Chain for Econet Wireless Vaccine Project in Zimbabwe
Best Mobile Education Product or Service Enable Mobile Technologies for Magic Pencil
Best Mobile Product or Service for Automotive Nuance Communications for Dragon Drive
Best NFC/Mobile Money Product or Service Telenor Pakistan and Tameer Micro Finance Bank for Easypaisa
Best Mobile Publishing Product or Service Wibbitz for Text-To-Video Technology
Best Mobile Innovation for ‘Smart Cities’ Accenture plc and RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. for City1Tap
Best Mobile-Enabled Consumer Electronics Device AT&T and Filip Technologies Inc. for FiLIP
Best Enterprise Mobile Service AirWatch for AirWatch Enterprise Mobility Management, Version 7.0
Best Consumer Mobile Service AT&T for AT&T Digital Life
Best Advertising or Marketing on Mobile Hindustan Unilever, Lowe and Partners for Kan Khajura Tesan
Best Network-Based Solution for Serving Customers GMCR Inc. for Globe Prepaid GoSakto: Create Your Own Promo
Best Mobile Product, Initiative or Service in Emerging Markets Vodafone Foundation in India, the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) and the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (CBFW) for RUDI Sandesha Vyavhar (RSV) project
Best Mobile Product or Service for Women in Emerging Markets Telenor Pakistan and Tameer Micro Finance Bank for Easypaisa
Best Use of Mobile in Emergency or Humanitarian Situations Smart Communications for Smart’s SafePh: Yolanda Response
Best Mobile Product, Service or App for Accessibility or Ease-of-Use Turkcell for Turkcell My Dream Partner
The Green Mobile Award Grameenphone for Climate Change Program
Best Entertainment App (Gaming, Music, Sports, Video) Device 6
Judges’ Choice Best Overall Mobile App CityMapper
Most Innovative Mobile App PointGrab for CamMe
Smartphone App Challenge Akbank T.A.S. for Akbank Direkt Mobile App
Best Smartphone HTC One
Best Low-Cost Smartphone (sub-$150 wholesale price) Nokia Lumia 520
Best Entry-level or Featurephone Nokia 105
Most Innovative Device Manufacturer of the Year LG
Best Mobile Tablet Apple iPad Air
Best Mobile Infrastructure Nokia Solutions and Networks with Telefonica O2 UK Limited for iSON Automation for Operations
Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough Sensory Inc. for TrulyHandsfreeTM 3.0
Best Cloud-Based Technology for Mobile Xively for Xively Cloud Services
Best Mobile Identity, Safeguard & Security Products/Solutions SecureAuth IdP – 2 Factor Access Control for the Mobile Enterprise
Best Solution for Growing Smaller or Independent Networks Reach-U for Demograft
Outstanding LTE Contribution KT Corporation for Wideband LTE-A Commercial Service SK Telecom for Commercial LTE-Advanced Network
Outstanding Overall Mobile Technology The CTOs’ choice KT Corporation for Wideband LTE-A Commercial Service SK Telecom for Commercial LTE-Advanced Network
Previously announced were the winners of the Government Mobile Excellence Awards, the GSMA Chairman’s Award and the GSMA Lifetime Achievement Award:
Spectrum for Mobile Broadband Award The Government of the United Arab Emirates
The Economic Policy for Sustainable Mobile Growth Award The Government of Spain
The Connected Government Award The Government of Lebanon
Government Leadership Award The Government of Botswana
GSMA Chairman’s Award Dr. Paul Jacobs, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Qualcomm Inc.
GSMA Lifetime Achievement Award Rob Conway, Former CEO of the GSMA (Posthumous)
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