People 'n' Issues
Liebenberg leaps to Telkom
MD of Samsung Electronics SA DEON LIEBENBERG has jumped ship to Telkom Business Mobile less than year after joining Samsung. Before that, he headed up RIM’s sub-Saharan Africa operation where he was credited for securing the BlackBerry brand in South Africa.
This isn’tnthe fist time that Deon Liebenberg has worked at Telkom, as 18 years ago he begannhis early sales career at Telkom as a corporate account manager. He hasnsubsequently headed the Sales division at Vodacom and has fulfilled the rolenof country sales director at Motorola and Research in Motion, where he isnwidely credited with revitalising Blackberry’s market position in South Africa.nLiebenberg joins Telkom from Samsung Electronics, where he was the ManagingnDirector.
He holds anBachelors degree in Economics from the University of the Free State,nan Honours degree in Business Administration and an MBA from the University ofnStellenbosch. This equips him adequately to lead the Business Mobile Salesnteam.
In hisncapacity as the Head of the Telkom Business Mobile, Liebenberg will benresponsible for driving strategy and execution for all mobile activities innTelkom Business. He will play a vital role in positioning Telkom as the leadingnprovider of converged communication solutions in South Africa.
TelkomnBusiness launched its mobile services in September 2011, marking anothernsignificant step on the company’s ongoing journey toward delivering fixednmobile convergence.
Morenrecently Telkom Business unveiled its first converged bundled solutions fornbusiness customers, to bring together the best fixed and mobile solutions, on ansingle bill, from a single provider.
“Wenwelcome Deon to Telkom and wish him all the best in managing hisnnew challenging assignment. I have no doubt in my mind that his vast knowledgenand experience will greatly benefit Telkom and Telkom Business,” says Dr BriannArmstrong, Managing Director of Telkom Business.
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