People 'n' Issues
Four platforms of CeBIT 2011
The World’s biggest hi-tech trade fair, CeBIT 2011 running in Hannover Germany, this week, has adopted a new structure featuring four core platforms: ‚Pro‚ , ‚Lab‚ , ‚Life‚ , and ‚Gov‚ . Here are the highlights from these four areas.
CeBIT pro: Business Solutions for All Industries
AutoID/RFID: A specialty area for automatic identi¬≠fication technolo¬≠gies is the ‚Auto¬≠ID/RFID Solutions Park‚ in Hall 7. Featured are applica¬≠tions pertaining to auto-ID technolo¬≠gy and its behind-the-scenes collaboration with software systems. Sample scenarios include the RAN (RFID for Automotive Net¬≠works) project sponsored by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economics. ‚Networks‚ refers to the networked supply chains bet¬≠ween automobile manufacturers and their suppliers. The Bremen-based BIBA Institute will be presenting identification processes for vehicles as they are loaded for ship¬≠ment. Other applications are personal fi¬≠nance accounting books, electronic shop¬≠ping lists and shopping assistants, as well as a shelf management system like the one used by DFKI in Saarbr√ºcken together with the Globus retail company to test future-oriented, retail-related processes.
Business Communications & Networks: After holding the successful kick-off event for last year’s CeBIT, Bitkom has organized ‚Broadband World‚ (Hall 13) at the CeBIT 2011 in partnership with the Federal Mini¬≠stry for Economics and Technology, Deut¬≠sche Messe AG as well as municipal um¬≠brella organizations. This exhibit provides information about Germany’s future-ready broadband supply. Besides moving into no-coverage areas and expanding high-speed networks .
ICT Infrastructure: Successfully launched in 2010, the special presentation ‚Next Le¬≠vel 3D‚ is once again being held in Hall 16. It deals with the product and service chain associated with 3D stereoscopy. A special highlight this year is a cyber-classroom with its ultramodern 3D learning environ¬≠ment.
Security World: Focusing on security solu¬≠tions, this exhibition area (Hall 11) specializes on current issues such as security in the cloud, virtualization, data theft, and encryp¬≠tion. This year and for the first time, CeBIT launched the ‚CeBIT Against Cybercrime‚ initiative, which is oriented toward greater security on the Web.
Webciety ‚ Internet Solutions: By means of the new ‚eCommerce Park‚ in Hall 6, CeBIT wants to address the ever-increasing appeal of the Internet as a sales channel. In addition to the exhibition area, the eCom¬≠merce Park has a stage that suppliers and service providers can use to present their online retail solutions. Some of the other topics include eCommerce solutions for mo¬≠bile end devices, online payment systems, Web 2.0 solutions for online stores, and aug¬≠mented reality (AR) applications.
CeBIT life: ICT for high-tech aficionados
The ‚life‚ platform includes the ‚Ce¬≠BIT sounds!‚ stage as a way to show¬≠case the connec¬≠tion between IT and music. It is set up as a ‚timing de¬≠vice‚ for ideas and solutions destined for the digitized music industry. After its successful premiere in the spring of 2010, the interdisciplinary music fair is ready to launch with an expan¬≠ded concept. Besides many musical high¬≠lights, the concert stage will feature many podium discussions and presentations on the topic of ‚IT & Music.‚
In addition and as part of CeBIT life, Deut¬≠sche Messe AG is holding the ‚media live ex¬≠perience‚ (Hall 19) for the first time this year. Over a period of five theme-days pertaining to the media realm, visitors will get an in-depth look at the industry’s hot spots. Besides trends in media usage, other subjects to be discussed include 3D stereoscopy, the legal aspects of digital distribution, and the new challenges facing media literacy and competence.
Under the ‚Smart Home‚ theme, Hall 19 is displaying products and solutions for com¬≠munications, home automation, entertain¬≠ment electronics, and information techno¬≠logy ‚ all in one integrative overall concept. Together with its partners, Smart Home is presenting the current status of development in our various digital realms.
‚Sports & Health‚ premiers this year in Hall 19. For this new theme area, CeBIT was able to bring on board the following cooperation partners: Barmer GEK (a health insurance company) with its ‚Germany gets moving!‚ health initiative, ZDF (a television station), BILD am SONNTAG (a weekly ma¬≠gazine) and the Deutsche Sporthilfe foun¬≠dation (to promote sports). Also included are the health initiative’s prominent ambassa¬≠dors such as Heike Drechsler, Torsten May, JochenWollmert, Danny Ecker and Christi¬≠na Obergf√∂ll. The presented material will show how ICT gets people moving and how it can promote a healthy lifestyle over the long term. It will also demonstrate how ICT helps people to engage in sports at the high¬≠est levels and improve their performance.
CeBIT lab: Research and Development
CeBIT lab is a plat¬≠form for universi¬≠ties, industrial re¬≠search institutes as well as startups and spinoffs to present future pro¬≠jects, and discuss scientific advances and megatrends. In Hall 9, CeBIT is offering a conference forum by the name of ‚lab talks‚ with more than 100 lectures, live presentations, podium discussions, and pro¬≠ject demonstrations scheduled. Topics include 3D technologies, Web 3.0, open cloud compu¬≠ting, private clouds, the Semantic Web, and urban management (smart cities).
Another focus area is the interconnected¬≠ness of small and medium-sized companies using cutting-edge ICT research (‚SME meets research‚ ). Research facilities from throughout Germany will give brief presen¬≠tations on current projects about to see completion and whose results can be com¬≠mercially utilized with partners. For that reason, these presentations will emphasize possible applications.
A third highlight is the international coo¬≠peration exchange by the name of ‚future match.‚ It enables exhibitors and trade fair visitors to initiate business or technology partnerships as well as research collabora¬≠tion in the area of information and commu¬≠nication technologies throughout Europe. The event is geared toward companies as well as universities and research institutes that are looking for international cooperation partners. In 2010, more than 440 partici¬≠pants from 46 countries used future match as an opportunity to establish new contacts.
CeBIT gov: Solutions for the Public Sector
CeBIT gov will be presenting the firmly established ‚Public Sector Parc‚ and Tele¬≠Health areas. The Public Sector Parc depicts how mo¬≠dernization is affecting public administrations. A new feature here is the ‚KOMmuneINNovativ‚ exhibition area. It brings toge¬≠ther ICT solutions that can fulfill municipal administration requirements and it serves as a meeting place for suppliers and users. Also part of the platform is a top-notch workshop program and its own presenta-tion venue, the KOMmuneINNovativ Forum. Besides being used by exhibitors for their products, many municipal umbrella orga¬≠nizations can use the Public Sector Parc as an information and communications plat¬≠form for their members. On different days, members of these organizations from Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland- Palatinate, Hesse, and Schleswig-Holstein will be visiting Hall 9.
TeleHealth (Hall 9) portrays the new technologies that facilitate the work being done on a daily basis in medical practices, hospitals, and pharmacies. A special high¬≠light is the ‚FutureCare health course” thatBitkom (an industry association) was re¬≠sponsible for organizing. It clearly presents IT’s integration into the health care sector and health care system. The true-to-life ap¬≠plication scenarios stem from medical prac¬≠tices, pharmacies, hospitals, and domestic environments.
– Article courtesy CeBIT News
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