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It’s World Backup Day tomorrow – this is how to do it

KPIs for archiving

In the Mimecast and Vanson Bourne study, 80% of organisations said data backup and recovery are extremely important components of a comprehensive cyber resilience strategy; 1% thought it not important at all. Ensuring it has the following characteristics will go a long way to supporting an organisation’s recovery, business continuity and e-discovery efforts:

KPI 1 – Ease-of-use – The Number One requirement for archiving solutions is ease-of-use: it must be sleek, intuitive, require minimal training and should be able to automate much of the data classification needed for e-discovery. End-users ultimately don’t want to think of archiving at all: they just want to access the information they are looking for quickly and seamlessly and remain productive in the event of a disaster and downtime.

KPI 2 – Security – Pervasive fears over cloud security has stunted growth and adoption of cloud archiving services. That’s why it’s so important that it fits into a broader cyber resilience strategy that protects important data and can immediately restore business-critical operations in the event of a successful attack. Advanced threats may also sit dormant for days, so being able to recover to a point-in-time (prior to the malware insertion) is critical. Relying on basic recovery will allow the threat to re-emerge in the active mailbox.

KPI 3 – Speed – Let’s face it, Google and its competitors in the consumer space have spoilt us. When you perform a search, you expect fast results. And you want to find exactly what you’re looking for on the first attempt. Unfortunately, for South African enterprise archive search the average number of searches a user runs to find what they need is five; on average search queries took nine minutes. Search queries taking several hours are not unheard of either. Any modern archiving solution should boost productivity – not hinder it – through fast search, mobility, and easy access to information.

Global organisations using Mimecast’s cloud archive service report a 52% ROI in less than 18 months. It solves the triple challenges of integrating backup and archive, automating retention for compliance, and improving management efficiencies and bottomless storage. For more information about Mimecast’s cloud archive service, please visit

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