Vodacom to compensate BB users
South Africa’s biggest mobile network operator, Vodacom, which also has the largest BlackBerry client base, is to compensate BlackBerry users for the outage which blocked their Internet service for up to three days.
South Africa’s biggest largest mobile networknoperator, Vodacom, which also has the largest BlackBerry client base, hasnannounced it will compensate BlackBerry users as a token of goodwill. It joinsnCell C and Virgin Mobile, who made similar announcements this week, but bothnhave far smaller Blackberry user bases.
World Wide Worx estimates that there are aboutn2-million BlackBerry users in South Africa. Vodacom, as the market leader innthe corporate sector, has a dominant share of these users, although specificnnumbers have not been released. This means more than a million users willnbenefit.
Vodacom is to give all BlackBerry customersnaffected by this week’s service disruption 20 free Vodacom to Vodacom minutesnfor use from Monday to Friday next week. In addition to this we will also bengiving affected customers 20 free SMSs for the inconvenience of the past fewndays.
“RIM’s technical problems were out of our hands.nMany BlackBerry users have been denied the service fornthree successive days, which is unusually long. It is onlynfitting that we do this as a gesture of appreciation for their patience,” saidnPortia Maurice, Vodacom’snChief Officer: Corporate Affairs.
“We will not be able to do this each time ansupplier has a problem, but we do believe this is an exception.”
For any queries on this matter, customers shouldncall 082 111.
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Now Cell C will refund BBnusers
Virgin Mobile RefundsnBlackBerry users
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