Unified Comms to leap ahead
As more companies deploy unified communications, there is a growing realisation that audio plays a vital role and in line with this Jabra has launched the Jabra UC VOICE series.
The worldwide user adoption of Unified Communications (UC) is projected to grow at a rate of 600%, from approximately 7.8 million today to 49.5 million users, by 2015. Furthermore, as more companies deploy UC there is a growing realisation that audio plays a vital role in the success of the UC deployment and in line with this Jabra has launched the Jabra UC VOICE series, which comprises of four new cost-effective UC-dedicated headsets.
‚The Jabra UC VOICE series is designed to simplify the deployment of UC and make it easy for first-time users of UC voice applications to get started. These UC optimised headsets are a small investment that will bring fast returns from the start, says Scott Corry, Business Unit Manager for Jabra at Kathea‚ .
The new Jabra UC VOICE series, has been designed specifically for companies looking for a cost-effective means of deploying headsets across an organisation and to accommodate for the different working styles and environments without compromising on quality. With so many new users coming from a traditional desk phone environment, the single most important factor for successful deployment and adoption of the technology is the headset, which completes the UC experience. While the audio quality at both ends of a UC conversation is critical, there are many other factors that make a headset perform beyond expectations. Optimisation of investments by adding the voice dimension to the UC experience and attaching headsets that offer superior sound, comfort and build will therefore have a tremendous impact when wanting to ensure the right return-on-investment (ROI) is achieved.
With this series of easy-to-use UC headsets, there is no doubt that Jabra’s new headsets offer just this and will begin to pave the way for faster end-user adoption of the technology.
Strategic Development
With its new Jabra UC VOICE series, Jabra continues to build on a long tradition of user-driven innovation and developing high-performance headset solutions. As the first company to have headsets optimised for Microsoft’s Office Communicator Jabra has a history of maximising the benefits of UC with headsets that are comfortable, easy to use and at the forefront of the development.
In addition to headset solutions, for light to heavy users, the Jabra UC VOICE series features a portable headset ‚ the Jabra UC VOICE 250 – developed for today’s virtual offices that is the industry’s first corded UC headset with a behind-the-ear wearing style and discreet form factor for video conferencing.
‚Jabra is committed to providing customers with quality, innovative solutions that will assist them in winning the ‚last three feet’ between the promise of UC and the end-user experience and in essence. In essence, the Jabra UC VOICE series is a whole new category of cost-effective headsets that are both powerful and economical. These headsets are simple, durable, have superb audio and offer a faster return on UC investments. Furthermore, with years of experience creating an award-winning portfolio, Jabra has also included a two-year global warranty with the purchase any of the four headset in the UC VOICE series‚ , concludes Corry.