Serious Software
Travel with this BlackBerry app
With the BlackBerry Travel app, available for download from the BlackBerry App World, users can search, plan, book, manage and share travel arrangements straight from a BlackBerry smartphone.
Itndoesn’t matter whether you’re a leisure traveller or a road warrior who hasnflown hundreds of thousands of kilometres. With BlackBerry Travel, you’ll benable to search, plan, book, manage and share your travel arrangements from annall-in-one mobile travel service super app.
Automatic Trip Scanning
Whenna travel confirmation email lands in your inbox, BlackBerry Travel is designednto automatically pull out the relevant details to compile your entirenitinerary, so you have all of your travel details – all in one place.
BlackBerrynTravel combines even the most complex itineraries from multiple bookings.
Notifications & Alerts
Withnthe BlackBerry Travel capabilities you’ll receive push-based notifications andnalerts for itinerary updates, flight reminder/alerts and connectionsninformation as soon as they happen. Search for flights and flight schedules tonand from any airport quickly and easily. BlackBerry Travel even takes yourncurrent location into account and conducts searches based on departure andnarrival airports.
Hotel Search & Book
Findngreat hotel options without having to browse different sources. Simply searchnfor hotels in the area you’d like to stay, and then book the one that suitsnyour needs and budget. Hotels are ranked according to location, price andnquality. You’ll also receive recommendations, based on your previous travel.
Local Search
Neednlocal information? With BlackBerry Travel you can search for information onndining, shopping, nightlife and more and get the answers you want almostninstantly, including map view, click-to-call and click-for-reviews.
Share your travel plans
Updatenyour LinkedIn status on your BlackBerry® smartphone, search for people in yournnetwork who’ll be there at the same time, or share your itinerary with specificncontacts via email so they’re aware of your plans. This super easy Super Appnmakes it easy to build relationships with those in your social network.
Itinerary Management
Everythingnyou need, all in one place. With BlackBerry Travel you’ll be able to view,ncreate and edit all your itineraries including flights, hotels and more.
Cool Tools
BlackBerrynTravel gives you instant access to currency converters, weather, flight statusnupdates, mapping, and location-based search.
Easy access
Youncan access BlackBerry Travel anywhere, anytime, anyway you like. View it onnyour BlackBerry smartphone or use the web interface on your laptop or desktop.nIt’s so simple, engaging and relevant you’ll wonder how you ever lived – orntravelled – without it.
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