The Avengers assemble…In Hyde Park
Johannesburg commuters experienced something out of the ordinary last week as Marvel Comics superheroes Thor, Captain America and Iron Man appeared outside the Hide Park Shopping Centre. The superheroes form part of Marvel’s The Avengers film, which will be showing at cinemas on 26 April.
Johannesburg commuters are currentlynexperiencing a unique sight as they take their daily routes to the city andnback. On Wednesday 18 April, the Marvel Comics superhero Thor appearednon the corner of Jan Smuts and William Nicol, outside the Hyde Park ShoppingnCentre. On Thursday 19 April, he was joined by none other than CaptainnAmerica and on the morning of the 20th the pair became a trio as thenred and gold armoured suit representing Iron Man appeared!
The three comic icons form part of ThenAvengers, the superhero team-up of a lifetime that also features MarvelnSuperheroes The Incredible Hulk, Hawkeye and BlacknWidow. The group are the stars of the hotly anticipated Marvel Studios filmnof the same name, hitting cinemas on Thursday, 26 April 2012.
Fans are invited to join in the excitement ofnhaving the superheroes in the country on Twitter @AvengersSA (and the hashtagn#AvengersSA) as they count down the days to when The Avengers assemblenon cinema screens across the country.
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