Serious Hardware
Tag Heuer, Kaspersky launch luxury smartphone
Kaspersky Lab has announced a new collaboration with TAG Heuer, which in cooperation with ModeLabs Manufacture, has launched its first luxury touchscreen smartphone TAG Heuer LINK, operating on Android.
For this uniquensmartphone, Kaspersky Lab has developed TAG Heuer MobilenSecurity (Powered by Kaspersky). This user-friendly and reliable securitynsoftware provides complex malware and data protection.
Commenting on thennew partnership, Eugene Kaspersky, Chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, said; “Wenare happy to start our partnership with and to provide protection for users ofnTAG Heuer smartphones. Kaspersky Lab and TAG Heuer have common core values,nsuch as best-of-breed reliability, cutting edge technology, and constantninnovation. TAG Heuer Mobile Security is our first project in the luxurynsegment, and we are looking forward to further develop our partnership with TAGnHeuer.”
The new TAG HeuernLINK phone is the ultimate communication tool. Swiss-engineered, French-built,nand equipped with upgradeable Google Android software, it combines elegance,nreliability and unparalleled access and connectivity. Luxuriously crafted andndetailed, the TAG Heuer LINK incorporates the most prestigious materials andnadvanced components in the watchmaking and automotive worlds, including blacknPVD, diamonds and rose gold. The mirror-polished and fine-brushed stainlessnsteel is premium grade surgical 316L, corrosion-resistant and hypoallergenic.
TAG Heuer MobilenSecurity (Powered by Kaspersky) provides top grade protection from networknattacks, malware targeting mobile platforms, and SMS spam. On top of that itnallows users to locate a lost or stolen smartphone using the GPS Find function,nstore all digital assets in encrypted folders, and remotely block or wipe thensmartphone if it is lost or stolen. With Kaspersky Lab’s Mobile Security, thenowner of a LINK smartphone is able to efficiently manage private contacts,nfilter out annoying calls and texts by assigning contacts to black lists andnwhite lists, restrict children’s calls and texts, and monitor the phone’snwhereabouts using GPS Find.
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