Serious Hardware
Monitor your choice
A monitor is a monitor is a monitor‚Ķor is it? Many organisations require a specific monitor for different uses, and often the monitor that comes with a PC does not suit the environment or usage. According to BRUCE BYRNE, you shouldn’t settle for someone else’s choice.
A monitor is a monitor is a monitor‚Ķor is it? Many organisations require a specific monitor for different uses, and often the monitor that comes with a PC does not suit the environment or usage. Many believe they don’t have a choice when it comes to purchasing a computer, and often just accept the monitor that comes along with it.
Tier one PCs such as Compaq, IBM and HP offer a standard 15 inch monitor, however companies need to be able to choose a monitor to suit their specific needs and application.
When utilising larger, high-resolution monitors, productivity in businesses increases as employees no longer require as many breaks to ‚rest their eyes‚ . Employees also experience fewer headaches and symptoms of strain.
If you think of a dealer room, bearing in mind that most of the dealers work with three monitors on their desk, it is important to ensure they are as comfortable as possible. A standard monitor generates a lot of heat, whereas a LCD monitor generates no heat and it is flicker free.
Desktop publishers and graphic designers need large high-resolution monitors to be able to do their work in the most effective manner. Financial institution employees would definitely benefit from a large monitor that will allow them to look at an entire worksheet or spreadsheet with enough pixel size to ensure accuracy.
We have definitely seen a decline in CRT monitors. Three years ago 14‚ and 15‚ monitors made up 75% of the volume sold and 65% of the value. Today 17‚ , 19‚ , 21‚ and LCD monitors make up 65% of the volume sold and 75% of the value.
The human factor in business is probably the most important, as staff are the most valuable asset and it pays to ensure they are comfortable within their work environment.
If you take a salary of say R50 000 per annum and assume that this person spends 60% of their time at a PC, this would translate into R30 000 per annum. The other 40% is perhaps spent on coffee breaks or visits to the doctor or optometrist. By having a larger higher resolution monitor, this person might be able to spend 25% more time working and in the end your company can save over R7 500 on this employee per year.
It is not only the corporate market that is benefiting from the monitor choice now offered. Consumers also benefit from larger monitors, and the popularity of today’s high-tech computer games has created a demand for these high-resolution larger monitors to enhance the gamer’s experience.
Bruce Byrne is Visual Communications Manager at Drive Control Corporation. He can be contacted on +27 11 8878927 or by e-mail on
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