Icasa finally issues emergency spectrum to mobile networks
More than 3 weeks after government promised to issue emergency spectrum to help cope with lockdown, it finally delivered, writes ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK
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The following allocation was announced by Icasa in its statement:
Assignment of the radio frequency spectrum in the 700/800MHz bands
The Authority noted that these bands were in demand. However, due to the fact that analogue and digital Television Broadcasting services are still operating in the 700MHz and 800MHz frequency bands, sharing and co-existence in these frequency bands would have to be implemented systematically through a geographic separation of International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) Systems and Broadcasting Services in affected areas in accordance with the updated 2013 Terrestrial Broadcasting Frequency Plan as published.
The following applicants were assigned spectrum in these bands:
1. Telkom has been temporarily assigned 40MHz
2. MTN has been temporarily assigned 40MHz
3. Vodacom has been temporarily assigned 40MHz
Assignment of the radio frequency spectrum in the 2300MHz band
The following applicants were assigned spectrum in this band:
1. Telkom has been temporarily assigned 20MHz in addition to the 60MHz it already has in this band.
2. Vodacom has been temporarily assigned 20MHz.
Assignment of the radio frequency spectrum in the 2600MHz band
The total amount of available spectrum in this band is 170MHz. The following applicants were assigned spectrum in this band:
1. Telkom has been temporarily assigned 40MHz
2. Vodacom has been temporarily assigned 50MHz
3. MTN has been temporarily assigned 50MHz
4. RAIN Networks has been temporarily assigned 30MHz in addition to the 20MHz it already has in this band.
Assignment of the radio frequency spectrum in the 3500MHz band
The total amount of available spectrum in this band is 116MHz. As in other bands, the temporary assignments in the 3500MHz band were made on the principles of non-discrimination to all qualifying applicants. The following applicants were assigned temporary spectrum in this band:
1. Telkom has been temporarily assigned 12MHz out of the 32MHz applied for. It is important to note that Telkom is currently assigned 28MHz in the 3500MHz band and was assigned 12MHz to afford it adequate capacity spectrum to meet the demand occasioned by the pandemic during this period.
2. Vodacom has been temporarily assigned 50MHz as applied for.
3. MTN has been temporarily assigned 50MHz out of the 70MHz applied for.
4. Liquid Telecoms has been temporarily assigned 4MHz; which adds to the 56MHz it already has in this band.
Authorisation to use TVWS (TV White Spaces) during the National State of Disaster
The Authority received applications from Mthinte Communications, Levin Global and Morai Solutions for the use of TVWS in the 470 – 694 MHz band.
The authorisation for use of TVWS by these applicants was granted subject to the following conditions:
1. The applicant must obtain approval from the CSIR, in conjunction with the Authority, with respect to Geo-Location Secondary Database (GLSD) connectivity for compliance with the use of TVWS in South Africa;
2. The applicant must obtain type approval certification from ICASA for its electronic communications equipment; and
3. In the event that harmful interference occurs to existing broadcasters, the applicant must immediately terminate its services and notify the Authority accordingly.
Conditions associated with the temporary spectrum assignment
All successful licensees for temporary IMT radio frequency spectrum assignments must ensure that they support and create virtual teaching and classrooms as determined by the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies in various districts during the National State of Disaster. Furthermore, all radio frequency spectrum licensees must zero rate all COVID-19 sites as identified from time to time by the Department of Health and published in the Government Gazette.
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