Web World
First iGoogle ‘gadgets’ for South Africa
Google has announced the first four iGoogle “gadgets”” focused on South African content. They range from pressing social issues to financial services to entertainment, and cover currency conversion, daily advice and tips on AIDS and TB, and a slang and proverb quiz.
Google South Africa has announced the availability of the first set of iGoogle ‚gadgets‚ to offer users South African content focusing on the country’s culture and pressing issues. The gadgets offer users a convenient and speedy way of converting South African Rand to any currency, testing their knowledge of South African slang and proverbs, and daily advice and tips on HIV and tuberculosis.
Google gadgets are mini-applications that make information and content available to iGoogle and other services. The easiest way to access these gadgets is to search for them by clicking on ‚add stuff‚ on your iGoogle home page and search for their terms, such as, ‚South African slang‚ . If you don’t have an iGoogle account, simply visit www.igoogle.com – it’s free and you can sign up using your Gmail details.
The South African gadgets are:
The first four gadgets were all developed by Quirk eMarketing in conjunction with SANTA, LifeLine Southern Africa, Kwela Books and the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society.
Marion Gamel, who heads up marketing in South Africa for Google says: ‚The purpose of creating the first four South African gadgets is to motivate South African users, students and companies to create many more South African-specific gadgets. We know the creativity is out there. We aim for iGoogle to become the obvious, useful, personal, and fun base from which a satisfying Internet experience happens for South African users.‚
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