Web World
FNB leads online
The latest All Media and Products Survey (AMPS) figures show that FNB Online dominates the market share of electronic banking consumers with nearly one third of all online banking customers in the country now using FNB Online Banking.
According to FNB Online CEO Lee-Anne van Zyl, FNB’s new-found dominance is attributed to ease of use and continual addition of new functionality.
‚Online banking has evolved from a transactional platform into a powerful consumer resource. Ease of use and security remain our primary drivers, yet these alone are not sufficient to attract new customers. We add new features monthly without complicating the online experience,‚ says van Zyl.
‚We have more than 1.2m active Online banking customers. We do not attempt to inflate our number of Online customers by including registered, but inactive customers,‚ says van Zyl.
‚Brick to clicks is a core strategy for us and it allows our clients to facilitate all their banking via this self service channel, removing the need to ever visit a branch should you choose so. An account can be opened via Online Banking in under 10 minutes,‚ says van Zyl.
‚We have seen a 98% growth in new customers opening accounts via Online banking. Their first point of contact with FNB is via our landing page, rather than in a branch,‚ adds van Zyl.
Van Zyl expects a rapid growth in online banking as larger numbers of consumers gain secure access to the internet.