People 'n' Issues
New revenue streams for IT
With the IT industry under immense economic pressure, companies need to consider alternative methods to help increase their revenues streams. CG Consulting has announced a solution with new improved opportunities to market products, quickly and effectively, in order to increase sales revenues.
With the IT industry under immense economic pressure, companies fast need to consider alternative methods to help increase their revenues streams. CG Consulting, a strategic marketing firm that helps companies build a sales pipeline, has announced a solution with new improved opportunities to market products, quickly and effectively, in order to increase sales revenues.
According to CG Consulting sales and marketing director Louise Robinson, all companies need to penetrate new markets at the lowest possible cost. ‚Today, companies need to use all available resources to ensure their sustainability. We are customer-centric and deliver a world-class service to predominantly the ICT and technology industries that are looking to expand their footprint in the South African and the greater African continent.‚
‚Through years of experience in outbound telemarketing and by having built specialised and accurate corporate databases and marketing lists, we are able to converse directly with CEO’s, CIO’s and other important decision makers across SMEs and larger enterprises.‚
More importantly, through a keen understanding of its clients’ products and services, CG Consulting is able to qualify prospects and schedule appointments on their behalf, enabling there sales people to drive revenue and increase the bottom line.
Robinson says CG Consulting tries to help companies deal with the age old problem of big targets and not enough head count to generate the revenues. ‚Simple concept, staggering results. We do all the cold calling, all the sales people need to is the actual sale. Imagine arriving at the office on Monday morning and finding a list of qualified appointments in your inbox. This is a reality with CG Consulting’s service offering.‚
CG Consulting is not only able to offer its clients first level contact data, but also the informational data that is able to provide insight into a client’s needs. The data currently held by CG Consulting includes corporate data across all the major business verticals with contacts for the offices of IT, finance, CEO, HR etc.
CG Consulting is also experiencing an enormous interest in its African database, a comprehensive resource of companies and executives throughout the African continent. It is inundated with requests for accurate data throughout the continent.
Its database has been developed specifically to provide all organisations, including IT companies, wanting to do business in Africa, with access to the right people, the right contact details, and the right information about the specific needs of these companies.
In addition, the company conducts regular research and surveys through its databases, especially to determine their specific needs. As a result, CG Consulting has a wealth of relevant information that can be used by companies, specifically in the IT industry.
‚The reality is that data for emerging Africa is almost non-existent. This is the reason why we have invested significantly in time and resources to build and develop a comprehensive database of businesses in Africa,‚ says Robinson.
CG Consulting runs a fully equipped inbound and outbound call centre and its telemarketing campaigns include outsourced, outbound high-end lead generation, market research and customer profiling, market intelligence, customer satisfaction surveys, appointment setting, brand awareness, data mining, data cleaning and data profiling.