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LG launches global optimism campaign

The ‘Optimism your feed’ playlist is curated by global influencers to enable users to engage with inspiring content on their Social Media Feeds.

LG Electronics (LG) has launched a global campaign called ‘Optimism your feed,’ to help give users a more inspiring social media experience by inviting them to engage with positive content on their feeds.

“As a customer-focused brand, LG is a passionate champion of optimism,” says Kim Hyo-eun, vice president and head of LG’s brand management division. “We aim to create positive changes in people’s lives by being intentional with our positive activities both online and in the real world. In the AI era, LG remains committed to our unwavering promise of ‘Life’s Good.’ We will continue to enhance our customers’ lives with a human-centric approach, fostering hope for a better future.”

A new global survey of TikTok and Instagram users, commissioned by LG, found that social media is both a source of anxiety and a place where people turn to be entertained, keep up with friends and family, and stay informed about news and current events. Almost half of respondents (45%) to the survey report their social media feeds consist of an equal or greater amount of negative content than positive content. 

One in four respondents (28%) claimed negative content on their social media feeds has increased their anxiety, and one in five (20%) said it has made them unhappy. Other studies also suggest that algorithms often promote negative and niche conversations.

The survey sought to understand the triggers that affect how algorithms work and how to increase a feed’s positive content. The result is the ‘Optimism your feed’ playlist of original content that, when interacted with, will pull more optimistic content into your feed.

‘Optimism your feed’ is part of LG’s global Life’s Good campaign, introduced last year to inspire and encourage people to approach life with an optimistic attitude.

Created in collaboration with global influencers renowned for their optimistic influences, including Tina Choi, Victoria Browne, and Josh Harmon, the playlist includes more than 20 short-form videos ranging from motivation to feel-good content.

LG is also consulting with social media experts like Professor Casey Fiesler, an information scientist and technology ethicist, with a PhD in Human Centered Computing. Fiesler researches and teaches in the areas of technology ethics, internet policy, and online communities, and has published on topics such as social media content moderation and recommender systems. She also educates the public on these topics as a content creator.

Social media has become an integral part of most lives, and algorithms play a significant role in the content that we see in these spaces. LG’s global playlist and campaign gives users the opportunity to see more positive and uplifting posts. By being more conscious about what we choose to engage with, they can bring stronger optimism, balance and happiness to their lives. 

According to Fiesler, “Recommendation algorithms determine what we see on social media by predicting what content we are likely to engage with. These algorithms can therefore send us down ever more specific niches – for good and for bad. Research has shown that, left unchecked, users can go down negative rabbit holes and encounter harmful content quite quickly. 

“One of our first lines of defense needs to be improving our digital literacy, and paying more attention to how algorithms influence our online experiences. And the good news is that we do have some control over the input for these algorithmic predictions; if we choose to engage with optimistic content, there’s a good possibility we will see more of it.”

Victoria Browne, a TEDx speaker, said: “The algorithms on our social channel can have a big impact on the content we see online, which impacts our mental health. That’s why I’m passionate about ‘Optimism your feed’, and I hope that people use this playlist as a foundation to retrain their algorithm and encourage positivity in all aspects of their lives.

“So much of the stigma and difficulty of tackling mental health is that it is unseen. With this campaign, we are saying you should reach out to your friends, and that we can help each other. Our algorithm should recommend content that makes us feel more connected to people, not less.”

The ‘Optimism your feed’ playlist can be found on LG’s global TikTok channel (@lge_lifesgood) and global YouTube channel (@LGGlobal), and will later spread to various social media platforms through collaborations with influencers around the world. 

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