People 'n' Issues
The red brand gets top green rating
Vodacom, along with its parent company – Vodafone have been the first companies in South Africa to achieve a 6 Green Star rating for their building in Midrand, Johannesburg.
Vodacom, and its parent company Vodafone, havenbroken new ground in South Africa by achieving the first ever 6-star Green StarnSA rating for the Vodafone Innovation Centre building in Midrand,nJohannesburg.
This is the first time that a South Africannbuilding has achieved this rating.
The Vodafone Innovation Centre will be carbonnneutral and powered by renewable energy. Once completed, the Centre willnhouse a team of experts tasked with creating energy efficiency solutions thatnare expected to significantly reduce Vodafone’s global emissions.
According to the GreennBuilding Council of South Africa, a green building is a building which isnenergy efficient, resource efficient and environmentally responsible. Itnincorporates design, construction and operational practices that significantlynreduce or eliminate the negative impact of development on the environment andnoccupants.
Pieter Uys, Vodacom CEOnsays: “We are delighted that our building has achieved thisnaccolade. Over the last few years, we have worked hard to reduce thenGroup’s impact on the environment; it is a core strategic priority for bothnVodafone and Vodacom. The Innovation Centre, as the hub of our creativenthinking around a low-carbon future, will play a critical role in the reductionnof carbon emissions across the Group.”
According to the WorldnGreen Building Council, the built environment is one of the main contributorsnto climate change.
There are number ofninternational reports that state that buildings represent the single largestnopportunity for greenhouse gas abatement, outstripping energy, transport andnthe industrial sectors combined. Building green really is an opportunity to usenresources efficiently and address climate change while creating healthier andnmore productive environments for people to work and live in.
Bruce Kerswill, ExecutivenChairman of the GBCSA, says that the GBCSA is proud that South Africa has itsnfirst 6-star certified building. “6-star Green Star SA is equivalent tonWorld Leadership – meaning that the Vodafone building puts South Africa firmlynin line with global bestnpractice in terms of green building – this is a fantastic achievement fornVodacom and Vodafone.
“Our rating systems arenall about recognising excellence in sustainable design. The highestnrating, six stars, is reserved for those projects that are truly world class.nVodafone has set a new South African benchmark and we are so proud that this hugeninternational company chose South Africa for the location of this innovationncentre and that they targeted, and achieved, the highest Green Star SA ratingnpossible,” concludes Kerswill.
The Vodafone InnovationnCentre is expected to open in the first quarter of 2012.
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