Serious Hardware
Series 5 Ultrabook for SA
Samsung has announced the Notebook Series 5 Ultra, an ultrabook that is thin, light and powerful. It is powered by a 2nd generation Intel Core i5 processor, uses an AMD Radeon HD graphics card and is available with either a 13” or 14” display.
Samsungnhas introduced the new Samsung Notebook Series 5 ULTRA, representing more thannjust thin and light, packing ultra performance beyond expectations.
Revealingnthe most secret features, the Series 5 ULTRA is powered by a 2nd generationnIntel Core i5 processor; combined with ExpressCache system by Diskeeper and anpowerful AMD Radeon HD graphics card, it delivers incredible experiences packednin a thin and light form factor.
“Basednon in-depth market research and consumer surveys, we propose a new type ofnUltrabook which will change the perception of Ultrabooks among users. Ournfindings strongly indicate that consumers demand more than just thin and lightndevices, hoping for a satisfactory level of daily performance and storage, asndigital files become larger. The Samsung Series 5 ULTRA will be the first tonanswer these needs,” said David Song, Senior Vice President, IT SolutionsnBusiness at Samsung Electronics. “The latest Samsung knowhow has beennapplied – our Series 5 ULTRA positions the device for today’s fastnchanging media environment by adding greater value for consumers through a morenbalanced product concept.”
“ThenSeries 5 ULTRA is a further step to demonstrate Samsung’s commitment to comingnup with ways that continue to meet the day-to-day consumer needs by producingnthe best products,” adds Suria Pretorius, Product Manager of Notebooks atnSamsung Electronics South Africa.
Unleashing Hidden Features
Availablenin 13” and 14”, the Series 5 ULTRA reveals its performance through an IntelnCore i5-2467M processor, up to 8GB memory, ExpressCache system by Diskeeper andnAMD Radeon™ HD graphics card. As a result, the Series 5 ULTRA is able to fastnboot in just 20 seconds, wake up in two seconds, whilst web browsing is twicenas fast as the previous generation notebook PCs.
Performancenalone is insufficient without enough space to store your data. Due to thendevelopment of digital image devices and various media platforms, files arengetting larger every day, increasing the need for bigger user storage. Despitenthe recent trend of cloud storage, local storage is still preferred among usersnon a daily basis. Not to compromise these needs the Series 5 ULTRA 14” offersnup to 1TB ultra storage capacity ensuring that users never need to carry anperipheral storage device with them.
Thenperformance has been further enhanced by the extended battery life. The SamsungnSeries 5 ULTRA delivers up to 6.4 hours of battery life on a single charge, tonmake sure users enjoy the ultra features throughout the day. The SamsungnBattery Life Plus is a true anti-aging battery technology which keeps 80npercent of the cell’s original capacity in a life cycle lasting up to 1,500ncharging cycles / three years. This ensures that the battery can last up tonfive times longer than other notebooks.
ULTRA of your Choice
Tonmeet the concept of being the true companion of consumers, the Samsung Series 5nULTRA will be offered in 13” and 14”.
Tonensure ease-of-use while on the move, the Series 5 ULTRA 13” is just 14~17.6mmnthin and 1.38kg light. The Intel Core i5 processor, up to 8GB memory, up ton500GB storage and 16GB iSSD with ExpressCache ensures that mobility is notncompromised. Consumers can also choose from a 128GB SSD or 258GB SSD as theirnpreferred storage. To offer maximum connection to other devices, the 13” nmodel also carries full-size HDMI port along with one USB 3.0, two USB 2.0,n4-in-1 multi SD card slot, Ethernet and webcam.
Then14” model equipped with Intel Core i5 processor, up to 8GB memory and 16GB iSSDnwith ExpressCache system offers exceptional performance. For larger storage andnheightened visual experience, the Series 5 ULTRA 14” embraces up to 1TB storagenas well as an AMD Radeon HD7550M 1GB graphics card. An integrated Optical DiscnDrive is also installed for maximum convenience. In terms of connectivity, then14” model offers full-size HDMI, VGA, two USB 3.0, one USB 2.0, 4-in-1 multi SDncard slot, Ethernet and webcam. All the above features are packed into a 20.9mmnthin and 1.84kg light chassis.
Bothnmodels carry Samsung’s superior LCD technology with 300nit HD LED SuperBrightnscreen, Image Enhancer technology and anti-reflective screen, enablingnconsumers an ultra viewing experience no matter where the user is.
Pricing and Availability
ThenSamsung Series 5 ULTRA will be available locally in February atnan approximate recommended retail price of R10 199 for the 13’’ and R10n299 for the 14’’.
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