People 'n' Issues
PC vs console gaming
Some things in this world just don’t get along oil and water, cats and dogs, PC gamers and console gamers. So what is the truth of the matter? Who really has the superior gaming system? ANDY HOUGHTON of Digital Storm gives us a side-by-side comparison.
A gaming PC, for example, will require a larger initial expenditure, but the level of graphics and processing power of the average gaming computer means you get a lot more for your money. While the most powerful current generation consoles only has a 550MHz video card, a well-equipped gaming computer can run upwards of 800MHz to 1GHz.
Consoles will likely always rule as the most convenient gaming choice, though, because they are designed to offer a simple plug-and-play experience. You buy a game and after a minor install you’re ready to play. The PC, however, still offers a larger variety of games, has a bigger independent game scene, and is the best choice for real time strategy, first person shooters, and MMORPGs. While you can do a lot with a modern console, it just can’t stand up to the versatility of a high-end gaming PC.
* Article courtesy Digital Storm
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