Serious Software
Microsoft Windows Vista: Our View
Microsoft’s latest operating system taken though its paces. I will try to respond to the numerous media articles ridiculing Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows Vista.
In this article I will try to respond to the numerous media articles which ridiculed Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows Vista.
The problem I find most of the time is that it is not the operating systems fault. It’s the user. In some cases even the journalists that have reviewed Vista and have hated it.
Vista is Microsoft’s most advanced and easy to use operating system to date. It is miles ahead of Windows XP in most respects and dare I say it, better than Macs OSX. (Yes I do have a Mac so it’s a fair comparison).
I have been using Vista since January and have had no problems: it runs beautifully, doesn’t hang, communicates with all my hardware seamlessly and does whatever I ask of it and more.
But what happens if Vista does give you a problem? I connected it to a LCD TV and it did not work, but then Vista searched for a solution to the problem… and found it. I have an NVIDIA graphics card (NVIDIA has been criticised for not releasing compatible drivers for Vista).
As one article stated ‘A simple task, such as backing up data to DVD and CD, is still a laborious process.’ Backing up on Vista is hardly rocket science. Let me show you how.
1. Click the ‚Start’ button.
2. Click ‘All Programs’
3. Click ‘Accessories’
4. Click ‘System Tools’
5. Click ‘Backup Status and Configuration’
Wow! 5 clicks!
Or alternatively just click the Start button then type ‘backup’ in the search.
Vista gives you the option of backing up your ENTIRE operating system (from personal files to your desktop wallpaper) onto DVD and CD but also onto a network drive.
Microsoft’s new search function has come in for scorn from Mac owners, as they say Microsoft pinched it from Mac OSX, but who really cares, it works as advertised, and in some respects is better that spotlight from Mac OSX.
The graphical user interface which was stated to be ‚superfluous’ and ‚over the top’ on more than one review. It’s hardly excessive and actually quite attractive. There is one small caveat, Vista does need lots of memory, 1 Gig is perfect for Aero, and 512 Meg works well if Aero is disabled. Memory is now very reasonably priced, with most new computers having at least 1 Gig of Ram.
The design element that has come under the most criticism is the translucent Aero theme. My colleagues and I believe The ‚Aero’ skin is neat and stylish and you don’t get tired of it quickly, but if you do, then you can change the colour and transparency of your windows. If you don’t like the new translucent windows change the theme, or in fact disble it completely. You have the option of Default (a light milky blue), Graphite, Blue, Teal, Red, Orange, Pink and Frost. You can also mix these colours to make your own personally coloured themes. This time it takes a whole three clicks. 1. (On the desktop) Right click
2. ‚Personalise’
3. ‚Windows Colour and Appearance’.
One of the more irritating articles stated that Vista was nothing new from Microsoft, ‚pretty much the same interface and underlying technology…’ Seriously people, do your homework. The interface is completely different, as is the undelying technology, and as I previously stated and much easier to use, especially for first time computer users.
The Microsoft help system, has been significantly upgraded to the point that it actually helps you. But most importantly Vista is incredibly user friendly with very few glitches. What some journalists are doing is expecting Vista to act like XP, which it doesn’t, for a simple reason. It’s not! In fact Vista works on a completely different platform to any other Windows operating system. In reality (Mac users will like this) Vista’s basic platform is closer to the Mac OS platform than Microsoft’s Windows XP platform. Hence the ‚underlying technology’ could not be more different.
Love it or hate it, Vista is here to stay. Vista is the latest’s and greatest operating system by Microsoft who dominate today’s market. There has been plenty premature criticism of Vista, after all operating systems are just that, operating systems. Microsoft has gone to enormous lengths to ensure a vast majority of hardware operates with Vista. Vista has its issues but so do all other operating systems.
In my opinion Vista is a big step forward in security and ease of use for the user. I also believe that is the best, most well rounded operating system to date and will only get better as it matures.
In summary Vista is a major step forward, give it the required hardware, and Windows Vista will reward you with a solid, stable and smooth performance. The basic function of any operating system is to enable you to use your computor to communicate, function at work, and generally perform your day to day computer needs, and this is where Vista does work, and works well.
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