LG Shines With Gorgeous New Handset Now in SA
Shine ‚ a new full-metal bodied slider phone ‚ from LG Mobile is released in South Africa. The shine offers mobile users the best of both worlds with amazing looks and a high technical specification including expandable memory (MicroSD card) and an auto focus camera by Schneider Kreuznach.
The Shine is an all metal bodied cellular phone. The Shine when closed, looks sophisticated with a perfectly reflective 2.2‚ screen. When the phhone is slid open the ‚magic mirror’ full colour screen comes to life, while the Shine’s keys are highlighted in a cool blue light. The access to Shine’s menu system is by an easy-to-use multi-function scroll key.
The Shine is equipped with a comprehensive media player with multi-codec support (MP3, WAV and ACC++) and real spectrum display. The Shine also supports GPRS and EDGE network compatibility, with Bluetooth and USB connectivity.
The Shine has been avaliable in Europe and in Korea for a few months and sales are reported to be very good.
A media Launch at the Venue in Melrose arch on Wednesday the 13th of June will show off the Shine, with media industry participants and a few notable celebraties.
Mr. Chang Ma, Vice President of the LG Mobile Marketing Strategy Team, stated that ‚As the second handset in the Black Label series, there will be comparisons with LG Chocolate which was the phone of 2006. While Chocolate undoubtedly established LG as a force in the design-led mobile sector, Shine offers a completely unique proposition, appealing to a wider audience with a different aesthetic and technological attraction.‚
The Shine should be available from most major mobile retailers and Networks from mid-June 2007.
A full review from Gadget will follow shortly.
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