People 'n' Issues
Lady Geek saysAndroid has a ‚dude’ problem
According to Lady Geek’s research in conjunction with YouGov, Android has a real ‚dude’ problem. The findings have revealed that the Android platform is failing to attract women and in fact very few women know or care what Android is. Belinda will be revealing even more about this dude problem at Droidcon conference.
The Droidcon event, set to be held at the end of this month ( will hear that the Android platform has a ‚dude’ problem and is the preserve of the ‚man-geek’. This analysis is based on a recent Lady Geek survey, conducted with YouGov Sixth Sense, of 78,835 people in the UK.
The survey highlighted that very few women know or care about what Android is or how it can benefit their lives. In fact less than half as many women would choose an Android handset as their next phone compared to men.
– When asked which smartphone they would choose, less than 5% of women (25-39) picked a Google/Android phone compared to 11.4% of men in the same age band.
‚Android provides a perfect example of how not to market a platform to women, and so the Android experience has become irrelevant to more than half of the population,‚ said Belinda Parmar, Founder of Lady Geek and Lady Geek TV, a marketing agency that helps companies understand and sell to women.
‚I know that this may come as a shock to the attendees at Droidcon and I’m prepared for the rotten tomatoes to be thrown, but it is true that Android has a ‚dude’ problem,‚ continued Parmar.