How to develop apps for MXit
Africa’s largest social network, Mxit, has opened its new application programming interface to developers. This quick guide explains how to go about mixing it with Mxit.
An external developer wishing to develop applications for Mxit will need to register with Mxit. The developer registration site will be at
Once registered and logged in for the first time, a test application name and password will be issued to connect the test application to MXit. This will allow developers to become familiar with all aspects of creating an application on MXit’s platform.
Prior to actual development of an application, the concept needs to be approved by MXit to ensure it falls within the MXit brand guidelines and is applicable to its user base.
Once approved and developed, the application will be hosted by the developer.
An application library will enable users to select and try out submitted applications from a constantly updated menu list. Users will pay for an application or virtual goods within the application using MXitMoola – unless the application is free or has sponsored advertising within it.
Proof of concept
MXit has launched some prototypes that are already proving popular with their community: for example, tiXi, a time-based, multi-player educational word game that allows users to compete against each other by compiling words from random letters.
Thousands of games are started every day in English, Afrikaans and numerals. A game lasts 10 minutes, a user has 60 seconds to enter a game, and any number of users can start simultaneously.
Users invite friends from their contact list to participate, thus increasing the game’s social impact.