How Smart is your Smartphone?
The Android Operating System is changing the landscape of the mobile market bringing dozens of features designed to make the mobile experience even better. In fact, it virtually turns your mobile device into a pocket-sized personal computer ‚ bringing with it full web browser and Internet surfing capabilities, as well as access to over 200 000 applications through the Android Market.
So when you answer the question ‚How Smart is your Smartphone’, take some of the facts below into consideration.
1. Samsung Galaxy uses Android developed by Google ‚ Fact
Android was purchased by Google in 2005, and has been an open source operating system since 2008, allowing developers to write managed Java code, controlling a portable device via Google-developed libraries. To enable a specific device to gain a license for Android based applications and usage it must pass the Android Compatibility Test Suite and meet the Android Compatibility Definition ‚ as outlined by Google. Samsung met these expectations and testing standards with their first Android OS phone ‚ the Galaxy i7500 ‚ being approved by Google on 27 April 2009.
Through the development of Android by Google, the Samsung Galaxy range, comes with many Google services pre-installed on the units including: Gmail, Google Web, Google Maps, Google Calendar, YouTube and address book. This gives consumers using any of the Samsung Galaxy range of products the option to use these services, as well as ‚ through the Android Market ‚ to install as many additional applications as they would like. Additionally, the Android operating system is actively developing over time and offers a range of key advantages including:
¬∑ Hardware independence‚ the apps purchased will typically work on any Android based device
¬∑ Security ‚ each programme runs in its own environment – separating the memory and files of different apps. Additionally, the user is prompted to approve certain rights for the system giving the user additional data security and control.
¬∑ User experience ‚ apps use the same clear and natural operating platform creating an ease of use and functionality
2. Samsung Galaxy with Android can multi-task ‚ Fact
With the Android platform, your device is instantly faster, meaning things like searches, email and apps run smoother and feel more responsive. Your device’s web browser will also run JavaScript, a language that enables much of the interactivity on today’s Web, a lot quicker than before. What’s more you can turn your device into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot and use it to provide Internet access to your laptops and gaming consoles, just like a wireless connection you might find in your home or at a cafe. You can download music directly to your device, easily restore app data in case you lose your device or get a new one and share your contacts over Bluetooth.
And this is just the beginning! With convenient notification bars which shows an icon for each notification waiting to be viewed, as well the ability to create a Smart Taskbar from which to reveal all your applications ‚ multi-tasking has never been easier.
3. Samsung Galaxy with Android has more free Apps ‚ Fact
We all know mobile App stores are booming worldwide, and a new market research report from MarketsandMarkets indicates that the total global mobile applications market is expected to be worth $25 billion by 2015, up from about $6.8 billion in 2010. In fact, to date, the Android Market is the fastest growing app store today, and according to Research2Guidance, given the same growth rates (number of apps) as in the previous months the Android Market will reach 425,000 apps in August 2011 to become the biggest mobile content platform in the world!
The free culture of the Android Market has been one of the main characteristics of the Android ecosystem since its launch where the share of free apps submitted to the store is approximately 60% driving its continued success. And with the Samsung Galaxy and its Android Operating System, you can download a world of applications and access them in the palm of your hand. There are a whole range of applications from games and entertainment to news and finance. There is a Samsung and Android app for virtually anything you could need.
So, the FACTS remain‚Ķ Android drives real value for the end-user ‚ value underpinned by the core needs of the consumer including widely used and accepted mobile services, the opportunity to do more than one thing at a time as well as the ability to download an array of applications for an enriched communication experience and informative business and social lifestyle. Furthermore, there is no denying that we are starting to see a large uptake in the market around Android based operating systems which we believe will continue to grow exponentially over the year to come, the question is: Do you have a smart Smartphone? If not‚Ķ Become a part of the Samsung Android revolution!
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FACT: No, all applications DO NOT WORK on all android devices. In fact, this fragmentation and multi device support is one of the reasons that developers are moving away from the platform and to Windows 7 etc.
FACT: the security of the device is in complete breach at the moment and Google is currently in emergency mode to patch up the problems. Android is the most HACKED platform on the market today.
FACT: Android has the most CR*PWARE on the market today: applications designed to perform no functionality or that do not perform the function that is says it does. It is also the platform with the most malicious software that is “free””.
FACT: Core Needs? The majority of users out there WILL NEVER use a true multitasking service on a mobile device. On such a small screen, how can you possible perform more than one function without completely removing the current from view? Maybe a super user or “”Geek”” to use the term loosely would use this function but the majority of the market? Nope.
The general CORE NEED of any market is usability and seamless functionality. I cannot tell you how many times my Android phone freezes while using a simple App like Facebook or the camera. All services just shut down a reboot. Response is slow because of the fragmentation of the device and many of the best applications out there don’t even run on the device. Many of the applications actually have too many bugs to be used because the developers are using a different device to me!
How about reporting on the FACTS and not according to the marketing material…””,””body-href””:””””}]”