DVD & Bookstore
CES 2012: At 50, James Bond falls to Blu-ray
At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, in celebration of James Bond’s golden anniversary, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment today unveiled BOND 50, a collectible box-set featuring all 22 James Bond films on Blu-ray Disc for the first time in one complete offering.
As one of the founders of Internet Solutions (IS), Ronnie Apteker has already achieved great success in the business world – having developed the company from a start-up venture in 1993. He has since left IS and applied his entrepreneurial expertise to several online ventures and technology start-ups. In his new book, Funny Business: The Secrets of an accidental entrepreneur, he explores this journey with author Gus Silber, sharing his hilarious insight into the world of a serial entrepreneur.
As the date of the Discovery Invest Leadership Summit draws near, delegates are looking forward to hearing world-class speaker and award-winning author, journalist and TV personality, Stephen J. Dubner share his insights on what really makes our modern world tick.
Continuing on our previous article – ‘A cost effect and easy way to publish a book,’ Immanuel Suttner describes the ingenious ways he used the Internet to get his book off the ground. The Internet was used to collaborate with parties sitting oceans apart, to raising money to print the book, all the way through to getting the book on shelves across South Africa in time for the opening of the Soccer World Cup. You may be asking yourself what the book would look like? Well below is an extract, along with two spreads of the completed book.
When his publisher pulled out at the last minute, Immanuel Suttner was faced with a dilemma. To get into a long legal wrangle with the publisher, to abandon the project, or to go ahead and self publish. Self publishing meant taking on all the financial risks of producing a book, with no certainty as to whether the book would sell, or end up as a white elephant.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is coming to South Africa in May. The movie was created by the same team that brought us the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy on was shot on location in Ouarzazate in Morocco.
The fast-breaking storm of social networking has left marketers flailing about for shelter, a path to the calm in the eye of the storm, or at least a way to harness the energy in the turmoil. Some are turning to self-appointed experts, and some try to learn it as they go along. Somewhere in between comes a new guide to ‘Facebook Marketing’, with an umbrella of a sub-title that goes ‘Leverage Social Media to Grow Your Business’. Does it live up to its promises? ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK tests it against the social weather.
“The Mobile Office””, the latest book by technology writer and Gadget editor Arthur Goldstuck, reveals the true cost of connecting a small office or a mobile worker to the Internet – and sounds the death knell for dial-up access.
Cape Town-based author Lauren Beukes’s critically acclaimed debut novel, Moxyland, a speculative urban thriller set in South Africa, has been released as an ebook by Electric Book Works – and in the process has become the first ebook to contain an embedded music soundtrack. The soundtrack was compiled by African Dope Records to suit the mood and feel of the book …
Dummies guides have always undersold themselves, almost by definition, as they imply good advice only for the most uninitiated of novices. Sometimes, this is almost an absurdity, as Creating Web Pages for Dummies reveals with its 9-books-in-1 approach. But trying to be all things to all designers is also not the answer, as ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK discovers.””,””body-href””:””””}]”