Web World
Bitcoin raid foiled
Kaspersky Lab has released its June 2011 report. According to the report, the Mac operating system is still in cybercriminal’s sights, law enforcement agencies are clamping down on cybercrime and the Russian BitCoin virtual money system has been foiled.
Kaspersky Lab has reported that during June over 249,345,057 network attacks were blocked, 68,894,639 attempted web-borne infections were prevented prevented, 216,177,223 malicious programs were detected and neutralised on users’ computers and 83,601,457 heuristic verdicts were registered.
Difficult times for cybercriminals
June brought some notable successes for various law enforcement agencies in the war on cybercrime. In the US, the activities of two international cybercriminal groups that made money from fake antivirus programs were terminated. According to preliminary estimates, the damage caused by the groups amounted to $74 million. In addition to US agencies, the operation to shut down these groups involved law enforcement agencies from another 11 countries. About 600 people suspected of implementing fraudulent online schemes were arrested in several South East Asian countries. Another major event in June was the arrest of Pavel Vrublevsky, owner of Russia’s biggest payment processing centre ChronoPay, on charges of organising a DDoS attack on a competing service.
Crime in the clouds
In June, cybercriminals used Amazon’s cloud to host and distribute malware that targeted Brazilian users and was designed to steal data from customers of nine Brazilian banks. To improve its chances of success, the malware blocked the normal operation of AV programs and special plug-ins that are supposed to make online banking secure. The malware also stole digital certificates and Microsoft Live Messenger credentials.
Money from thin air
Russian scammers tried their luck at making money for nothing in June using the BitCoins virtual money system. With the help of a new malicious program they launched a legitimate BitCoins file on the victim computer in an attempt to generate the cyber currency in their own accounts. The BitCoins site administration reacted quickly to block the attacker’s account, as such the cybercriminals appear to have made very little money.
Mac OS X still very much in the cybercriminals’ sights
June saw cybercriminals distributing a new backdoor – Backdoor.OSX.Olyx.a – designed to provide attackers with remote control over victim’s machines. This enabled them to use infected computers to download more malware, launch programs and send commands to an interpreter for execution.
New malicious specimens
The Top 20 malicious programs on the Internet in June included a large number of new entries. Once again it was dominated by malware that makes use of drive-by attacks – redirectors, script downloaders and exploits. These made up 14 of the 20 places in this rating. One of the more notable new entries this month was Exploit.HTML.CVE-2010-4452.bc which uses a straightforward vulnerability in Java Runtime Environment to download and launch a Java exploit. This in turn allowed other malicious programs to be installed on the victim computer.
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The admins at Bitcoin.org have no such power. That’s the whole point of Bitcoin. It’s a decentralized currency. Accounts *cannot* be blocked. Individual vendors can refuse to accept payment from certain accounts, but there is simply no way in which accounts can be kept from transferring bitcoins to other accounts.
The community’s pretty self-regulating at this stage. All that happened was word got out on the Bitcoin forums that a certain piece of software contained malicious code and thus should not be downloaded. People then avoided downloading it. Haven’t been flooded with enough tech-illiterates yet for attacks like that to work for any good period of time.”,”body-href”:””}]