Web World
All change in Facebook ads
The new advertising changes that Facebook has made has opened the door for several industries to amend their promotional guidelines. However, DANIEL LEVY, CEO of Popimedia warns that although these changes bring several new marketing opportunities, companies still need to adhere to local advertising laws.
There has been quite a bit of buzz around Facebook’s recent announcement that it is throwing the advertising door wide open for several industries by amending its promotional guidelines.
The changes that were implemented did away with blanket restrictions on tobacco, dairy, gambling, firearms, prescription drugs and gasoline marketing and now also allows marketers to target people below the age of 18 with their campaigns as well as people in specific countries.
These changes bring with them several new marketing opportunities, but we are urging marketers not to throw caution to this wind – marketers will still have to adhere to local laws where advertising and promotional restricitions are in place.
Until May 11th, Facebook’s promotions guidelines included the statements:
1. You will not communicate about or administer a promotion on Facebook if:
a. The promotion is open or marketed to individuals who are under the age of 18:
b. The promotion is open to individuals who reside in a country embargoed by the United States:
c. The promotion, if a sweepstakes, is open to individuals residing in Belgium, Norway, Sweden, or India:
d. The promotion’s objective is to promote any of the following product categories: gambling, tobacco, firearms, prescription drugs, or gasoline:
e. The prize or any part of the prize includes alcohol, tobacco, dairy, firearms, or prescription drugs: or
f. The promotion is a sweepstakes that conditions entry upon the purchase of a product, completion of a lengthy task, or other form of consideration.
Facebook wrote that it removed these specific prohibitions to simplify the ‚promotions guidelines to make them easier to understand and consistent with the format of other Facebook Terms & Policies.‚ This does not make these kinds of promotions or sweepstakes legal ‚Äî it merely means Facebook will differ to local laws rather than enforce its own. Over the last year, the company has been striving to simplify its governing documents, including its privacy policy.
If you make use of these opportunities with a full legal understanding your brand will definitely reap great benefits.