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New protest song to raise money for Ukraine children

Proceeds from ‘Broken Walls’, by Ivar and the Horde, will go to the War Child campaign.

Alternative rock/rap artists Ivar & The Horde have released a new anti-war song Broken Walls, dedicated to raising money for the children affected by the War in Ukraine. 

Ivar & The Horde comprises Stu Brootal and Kieron Pepper.

By partnering with War Child, a global charity dedicated to supporting children affected by conflict, their record label, Black Razor Records, will donate all Bandcamp proceeds from the release of Broken Walls to the organisation. It is also setting up a GoFundMe campaign to support children in conflict-affected regions around the world. With every donation to this campaign, each supporter receives a free Bandcamp code to download the freshly-cut Broken Walls double A-Side single. 

This song is a protest song written and produced to raise awareness of military atrocities going on in the world, especially given the recent anniversary of the War in Ukraine.

It is especially poignant to South Africans, who have witnessed their own government condoning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and ignoring the killing and abduction of children. 

The song is launching alongside the war-themed arcade twin-stick shooter Tiny Troopers: Global Ops, developed by Epiphany Games and published by Wired Productions, founders of Black Razor Records. The game spotlights a series of military megalomaniacs from around the world, and their greed-filled desire to cause conflict and chaos.

Sound familiar? Probably not to the South African government.

Through their music, the team hopes to raise awareness about the devastating impact that war has on children while encouraging others to support War Child’s mission to protect, educate and stand up for the rights of children affected by conflict.

“I hope this tug at the hearts of those who listen”, said Brootal, vocalist for Ivar & The Horde. “We constantly point the finger without taking into consideration our complacency in all this. The chaos of the world is a reflection of the chaos in ourselves. 

“If we can each tend to our friends and family and bring them peace, we’ll see it echo outward into a society and a world that is desperate for salvation. And true salvation comes from within. We are the answer.”

About Broken Walls

With its fast-paced, energetic tempo and rapid-fire lyrics, Broken Walls urges listeners to question the violent decisions people make especially in times of war. Ivar & The Horde’s vocals are a mix of rap and spoken word, delivered with emotional intensity. The production of the song is a combination of studio and electronic production techniques while the song’s instrumentation is a combination of programmed beats, live takes of bass and guitar, and sounds that add sonic references, following Ivar & The Horde’s love affair with Rage Against the Machine.

Set apart by its blend of genres and its raw, organic intensity, Broken Walls is a powerful and thought-provoking track, reflecting Ivar & The Horde’s personal experiences and their desire for reconciliation and harmony in a world that is full of chaos and distortion.

 * Watch the video of Broken Walls here.

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