LG prize is a hoax
LG Electronics has warned South African consumers that official looking SMSs and e-mails claiming that the recipient has won a sum of money is a hoax. The SMSs and e-mails, say LG, are complete scams and consumers are urged to delete the messages and not respond to them at all. The intention of the scam is to fraudulently obtaining confidential information from the recipient.
LG Electronics S.A. (LGESA) has once again warned consumers to be careful of hoax SMSs and e-mails currently in circulation. The official looking SMSs and e-mails falsely claim that the recipient of the SMS or e-mail has won a sum of money from LG. The SMSs and e-mails, are complete scams and consumers are urged to delete the messages and not respond to them at all LG says. “We urge consumers not to fall prey to these hoax SMSs and e-mails and not to provide any personal or banking details in response to these SMS and e-mail messages”” says Dr Michelle Potgieter, Marketing and Communications Director for LG Electronics South Africa.
“”This communication is not generated by LG South Africa. It is a hoax and a scam intended to abuse the credibility of LGESA with the intention of fraudulently obtaining highly confidential information from the recipient of the communication,”” explains Potgieter.
LGESA cautions all recipients against disclosing any personal and/or confidential information in response to such communication as LGESA will not be held liable for any resultant loss.