Latest News
People 'n' Issues
Vodacom backs SA’s Journalist of the Year awards again
4 July 2013The Vodacom Journalist of the Year Awards returns this year to seek out and honour members...
Sean Bacher
Something on the Side: A wristband to keep you on your toes
26 August 2013In this week’s round-up of Something on the Side, SEAN BACHER highlights the FitBit Flex wristband,...
People 'n' Issues
LoveLife offers HiV counselling via Mxit
4 July 2013LoveLife, South Africa’s largest national HIV prevention initiative is now offering text-based counselling to South Africa’s...
Serious Hardware
3D scanner goes on sale
23 August 2013MakerBot, a company specialising in Desktop 3D Printing, has announced the availability of the MakerBot Digitizer...
Africa News
African e-commerce taking off
4 July 2013E-commerce in Africa has grown dramatically over the past year, says ROBIN PHILIP of PayGate, and...