BlackBerry makes Bold NFC move
HID Global has announced that it plans to support its iCLASS digital keys and mobile security identity on NFC-enabled BlackBerry handsets such as the Bold 9900.
HID Global, a company specialising in solutionsnfor the delivery of secure identity has announced an industry first with plans tonsupport the company’s iCLASS digital keys and mobile secure identity onnNFC-enabled BlackBerry smartphones. The new BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930 andnBlackBerry Curve 9350/9360 smartphones activated with iCLASS digitalncredentials will be compatible with the large installed base of iCLASS readersnthat are used for applications ranging from physical access systems innbuildings, to student IDs, to applications that track time and attendance.
HID Global will be previewing iCLASS digital keysnand mobile identity credentials using the Near Field Communications (NFC)ncapabilities of the BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone at the ASISnInternational 2011 security conference, September 19-22, in booth #2400 at thenOrange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. In addition,nrepresentatives from HID Global and BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion (RIM)nwill be speaking about this new platform at ASIS. Register here to attend.
“This industry first is an important milestone innthe deployment of mobile access and identity solutions using NFC technology onnsmartphones,” said Dr. Tam Hulusi, senior vice president of strategicninnovation with HID Global. “We will continue to innovate in the delivery ofnsecure identity, as NFC-enabled smartphones represent a complementary newnplatform that we believe will expand the access control market and our onlinencard services business while improving user security and convenience.”
Instead of using keys or smartcards, BlackBerrynsmartphone users will be able to use iCLASS digital credentials that can benpresented for authentication by simply holding their NFC-enabled BlackBerrynsmartphone in front of a reader, just like they do today with a physical iCLASSnsmartcard.
“NFC technology will enable many new and excitingncapabilities for BlackBerry smartphones and we are very pleased to be workingnwith HID Global to be the first to bring a host of secure identity and mobilenaccess control capabilities to NFC-enabled smartphones,” said Andrew Bocking,nvice president, Handheld Software Product Management at RIM.
Pilots using BlackBerry smartphones activatednwith iCLASS digital credentials will be conducted this year, and HID Globalnexpects that its embedded iCLASS technology will be generally available for thenBlackBerry Bold 9900/9930 and BlackBerry Curve 9350/9360 smartphones in earlyn2012.
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