
Wings Tips: How to avoid airport pain

If you travel, you’ve been there: you get to the long line at baggage security check – and watch in frustration as traveller after traveller spends half an hour fishing metal objects our of various mysterious parts of their garments. You finally get to the front, smug that you’re not holding anyone up, and the metal scanner goes fire alarm on you. That stupid coin you forgot was in a forgotten pocket!

The real secret of preparing for these airport pains is to begin before even leaving home or hotel.

I know that. You know that. Everyone should know that. But we forget. So I asked AI. It doesn’t forget. The paid version, because it hallucinates less, and because it isn’t jetlagged.

So I prompted ChatGPT 4o. And this is what it told me:

To avoid being “that guy” at the airport — the traveller who holds up lines, has a meltdown over a forgotten item, or causes unnecessary delays — you can prepare before even leaving for the airport with these practical tips:

1. Organise Documents Early

2. Check-In Online

3. Know the Baggage Rules

4. Prep for Security Screening

5. Prepare for Possible Delays

6. Prepare for Unexpected Costs

7. Arrive on Time

8. Stay Informed About Flight Status

9. Avoid Overloading the Carry-On

10. Dress Practically and Comfortably

11. Be Courteous

By planning thoroughly, organising documents, packing efficiently, and arriving early, you can sail through the airport without unnecessary stress or drawing negative attention.

Back to the human writer: That last paragraph, as we all know, is AI hallucinating again. The machines just can’t help themselves. Sailing through an airport is wishful thinking, although it can and does happen. 

Final piece of advice is: You’re one of 30 or 100 or 300 people on a plane. Just don’t be an idiot.

* Arthur Goldstuck is CEO of World Wide Worx and editor-in-chief of Follow him on social media on @art2gee.

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