
Samsung NX1 camera gets update

Samsung has announced a firmware update for the NX1 mirrorless Smart camera designed to deliver improved performance and give an better overall camera experience.

The Samsung NX1 version 1.3 upgrade features a number of enhancements for photography such as improved autofocus and better low light performance. It also has video functionality with several advances and upgraded Wi-Fi connectivity.

“At Samsung, we want to enrich the consumer’s experience by making sure that our constantly evolving technology is seamlessly available and to give the best possible product experience,” said Craige Fleischer, Director of Integrated Mobility at Samsung Electronics South Africa.

The latest firmware update incorporates the following improvements:

Improved Movie Recording

For aspirant cinematographers, the upgrade includes “1920×1080 (120)” mode within the movie settings. The microphone has an automatic on/off control and histogram and level display during recording to help create more professional movies.

Still Photo Enhancements

The NX1 1.3 firmware update also brings better-quality still photographs as well as image quality with better autofocus for superior performance in low light, backlit and spotlight conditions.

Increased Connectivity

Remote studio software adds even more connectivity features to the Samsung NX1; allowing users to transfer JPEG and RAW files and Videos via Wi-Fi to their Samsung Tizen Operating System enabled televisions with one touch.

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