SA newspapers hanging on
28 October 2014High-profile news stories like the trial of Oscar Pistorius and the death of former President Nelson...
Pay green with mobile payslips
28 October 2014South African companies can quickly and easily lower their carbon footprint and save money by digitising...
Africa primed for growth – but it’s intricate
28 October 2014Africa has been earmarked as a big growth market in which to operate, but you need...
SA not ready for PoPI
27 October 2014A survey of 113 South African companies has revealed that 51 percent of them have no...
Video goes business class
27 October 2014A recent Cisco survey has shown that over two thirds of South African enterprises believe they...
Cloud helps SMEs clean up
27 October 2014It is estimated that on in five South African SMEs experience some sort of data loss...
SAS and online U to fill analytics skills gap
24 October 2014Analytics pioneer SAS has teamed up with Capella University to offer bachelors degrees in analytics and...
When consumers trust businesses with their data
24 October 2014Confidence in data security is by far biggest factor in customers’ decision to provide information, according...
App to the challenge again
24 October 2014Entries are now open for the 2014 international App Star Challenge. A chance for local app...
Gaming will rAge on in SA
23 October 2014Last weekend, the rAge gaming event attracted 31 254 visitors, over 100 exhibitors and 2 370...
Gamers get an SA life
23 October 2014Gartner estimates that the worldwide video game market will reach $111 billion by 2015 and at...
Africa primed for growth – but it’s intricate
23 October 2014Even though Africa has been labeled as a big growth market in which to operate, businesses...
Customer buy-in key to PoPI
22 October 2014As PoPI draws nearer, many businesses are asking themselves what this means for their data analytics...
Make data work for you
22 October 2014Organisations that are able to quickly store, structure, access and give data to their customers are...
The webcam spy cover-up
21 October 2014A recent Kaspersky Lab study has revealed that 14% of South Africans cover up their webcams...
Lessons for brands building apps
20 October 2014For many South Africans a smartphone is the primary or only device used to access the...
Follow Comet Siding Spring on Google+
19 October 2014Comet Siding Spring is due to make a close flyby of Mars tonight at 20:28 South...
Lenovo launches innovation centre at Durban U
9 October 2014The Durban University of Technology (DUT) and Lenovo are launching a Lenovo Innovation Centre, a walk-in...
WiGroup opens mobile payments
8 October 2014WiGroup is making its mobile transaction platform available to smaller companies allowing them to accept money...
100k challenge will rAge
8 October 2014The finals for the Entelect R100K Challenge are taking place at rAge on 11 October. Semi...