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Web World
‚”Internet of Things‚” 10 reasons why you can’t ignore it
18 June 2013Data, information, streams, NFC, traffic , devices the Internet of Things is no longer on its...
People 'n' Issues
Desk phones go IP
20 August 2013All voice calls will in time be delivered over Internet Protocol networks. Just how far we’ve...
500k FNB clients using its app
18 June 2013FNB has announced that the its banking app for smartphones has gained 500 000 active clients...
People 'n' Issues
Home ownership education goes online
20 August 2013FNB’s Housing Finance division has taken its compulsory home ownership education programme for first time home...
Serious Hardware
New PCs for the demanding enterprise
18 June 2013HP has announced a new range of PCs designed to help enterprise customers meet a range...
Goldstuck on Gadgets
Bodyguards for smartphones
20 August 2013Damaged screens on new high-end phones are so commonplace, it’s surprising more manufacturers don’t come up...
HD ready vs Full HD?
18 June 2013Consumers are faced with a range of features, functions and standards when buying a new computer...
People 'n' Issues
MasterCard issues 10m debit cards for SA social grants
20 August 2013MasterCard and the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) today announced that there are 10 million...